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Yay! Made it to writers group today! & down to river too.

The one social activity I'm still good for, up to, is the weekly meeting of our little county seat farm burg's creative writers group.

We meet in a room in a local bake shop where the building was at a time in the past the local newspaper office & where the guys who founded the journalism school at the University of Missouri met to do so.

And as a fun connection with personal interest in space stuff, some way, somehow, the shop owner got commissioned by the Facebook Space Hipsters (a very good group, even though I've been off FB for years) to bake special occasion cookies for them.

Members have projects in various states of publishing.

A couple are even working with people developing screenplays from their books.
One of them gave a report today on progress there. Quite an experience!

A fun thing we often do is timed writing, usually 25 minutes, to prompts from some source or another.
And then people will read, or not read, what they got.
Is fun to see what people come up with & what different people do with same prompt.
Alan has a long reputation for working all of the prompts!

Here's what I got today ... my body was/is shaky & my voice is having issues, but, hey, I got something!


July 20 prompts (from a website named Readsy)

story from point of view of nonhuman character

story in form of diary entries

story about someone who's haunted by their past

story about character waking up to best news of their life

story about someone who realizes story of their life has been predetermined – until they decide to divert from expected path

Oh, what to say about today. It was one of those mixed days. Yeah, I know, one of those days can mean several things. Tell ya what, can you wait for me to get back to you when I sort out which one of those days it was?

Okay, yeah, I know, it's now Thursday and I still don't know what kind of day Tuesday was. Been so busy at work that I just blank out and vegetate after getting home.

Yay, Friday night, and if I had the energy I'd happy dance that there's no going out to dance this time. Oh so tired.

“Saturday in the park I think it was the fourth of July” is on the radio, on, interestingly enough, Saturday afternoon. This isn't July, but the park sounds like a good idea. Slept hard and long. Don't remember turning off the alarm clock last night. Don't remember hearing it this morning. If it went off I turned it off without ever waking up to do it. Maybe later today I can sort out just what exactly Tuesday was.

Gorgeous stunning wonderful day to be out at the park yesterday. Several people out. Not so few that the park felt deserted. Not so many that the park felt busy. Just enough people to make it a joy to sit and people watch. And enjoy the picnic for one. And not think about anything else. Did share a slice of cheese with a friendly dog who slipped their collar and came over to say hello. The lady who was walking her was so embarrassed. Oh, it's okay. Friendly critter just has a joy for life and wanted to go say hey to everyone. Dog whose name I forget brings to mind a rescue cockatiel a neighbor had decades ago. If you were having a sandwich which had cheese on it JayJay would be in your face until you gave him a sliver of cheese.
He didn't fly, so he walked, and he would follow people around the house; you had to pay attention to where your feet were when you were visiting.

But really, it is great to live in a world where a friendly furry, or feathered, critter you haven't met before comes over to say hey, share a nibble of your snack, then flops beside you like they are now your bestest friend ever.

Ya know what, I don't need to define what kind of day Tuesday was.
It was. Today is.


Afterward, went by dog park along river to see if anything was interesting on the river or the railroad.
One photo from today
Two photos visits a few weeks back.





Part 2: I've had a few things published in an e-zine by an author in India who we crossed paths on Google Plus back when that was a thing, in a writers group and a spaceflight group. Mona is a retired high school science teacher in India. She has several books of poetry and musings available via Amazon.

(and at least one of their 2 daughters has graduated from university with degree suitable for working with autistic children! 😊)



Hi @southwestforests. Nice write-up of your day (week?).

Since you mentioned the 4th of July, I'm sure you were also thinking of fireworks. Don't forget this coming Friday should have a real spectacle....the opening of The Olympics. I'm sure there will be a dazzling display in the night sky after all the fanfare is over. Enjoy it! Yours, Lenora
Nice write-up of your day (week?)
Thanks! 🙂 That would be today prior to 1pm, am home now.
Story's week is a complete fiction other than the neighbor's bird JayJay the cockatiel, he was real.
I've not ever kept a diary for real but the group says I do well at writing diary stories.

Actually, since television and cinema are pretty much instant sensory overload I don't even have a TV and won't be watching the Olympics.
Did watch some as a child and teen. Did enjoy the bobsledding, the kayaking, the sailing, the fencing, the gymnastics.

And the diving, even though no amount of money, model trains, or key lime pie, could ever bribe me enough to do a high dive.

(it's not that I'm afraid of heights, I just don't want to be any closer than my own height to their edges)

Still remember I think it was the early 1980s when a luge guy went flying out of the track with his luge sled going one way and he another ...
Announcer who spoke British English ...
"Oh no, he appears to have lost a bit of way."
Gee, ya don't say, eh. 🤣

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