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The time of year when "everyone's tired from the heat"

Ah summer in a hot climate. When you say you're in a crash and need to go rest but are told "everyone's tired. The sun just drains us all."

And you have to nod along to the person who can work full-time and still have 5 social outings every weekend... somehow despite the sun.


If I had a dollar for every conversation I've had like this in my life, I'd have enough money to equal a refund on everything I tried to dig myself out of this.
i just read the bible, the first books of mose about people of israel moving out of egypt. getting saved from slavery by god and also mose doing gods work.
but constantly complaining about how bad their life now is and how good it was back in egypt when being slaves... even wanting to go back.

guess thats what lots folks do, complaining and not see the good they have.

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