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Perhaps everyone's scent addiction has gotten out of hand when I walk outside and see not a soul, but can smell their laundry detergent from when they walked to their cars minutes (hours?) before.

Or that I can distinguish my apartment neighbors' different laundry scents from sitting out in the yard and the scents come up from the septic system.

I never thought any of this stuff smelled good.

Do able-bodied people ever notice their surroundings outdoors?

Rain on grass, flowers, pine trees... those are things that smell good. Not chemicals made in a factory.


I absolutely can't stand artificial smells. I can tell when a certain neighbor has been in my local vicinity due to all the chemicals they have been doused in. This neighbor uses those chemical air fresheners that spray out chemicals every few minutes plus countless other fragrance devices and uses tons of a certain product (can't remember the name). She uses all these things constantly to cover up smoke in her apt. as smoking is really not allowed inside. I was inside her apt. one time and when I got home I had to change my clothes and take a shower.
this "healthy" people are mentally sick. and i mean it.
if you feel you cannot leave your house if you are not in a plume of artificial smells covering your own smell, this is sick. i mean you cannot cope with your natural smell because you are ashamed of it.

but we are the psychos because we notice it. they impairing our health with their useless shit makes us the crazys.

i do not see how humanity advanced the last centuries, its middle ages mentality, just different methods.
taking care of other people you do not know? naaaaa, only claiming to do so on social media.

Perhaps everyone's scent addiction has gotten out of hand when I walk outside and see not a soul, but can smell their laundry detergent from when they walked to their cars minutes (hours?) before.
the scent industry is working overtime, when i have TV ads on, its constantly one ad after the other. detergent for clothes, detergents for bath, artificial smell for your room, deo, parfum... its insane.

Do able-bodied people ever notice their surroundings outdoors?
notice maybe not, but they smell it, because i can still remember things from being a kid, that certain things just smell that way and you do not question it. like a car garage or a carpet shop or detergent area in supermarket.. or the smoker smell on a ice shop in a public outdoor bath.
if you would ask them if the vicinity would smell something different/special, they would say no, everything normal.
but if they happen to smell it again, they make that connection. so they on a sublime level saved that experience and also can recall it actively.

Or that I can distinguish my apartment neighbors' different laundry scents from sitting out in the yard and the scents come up from the septic system.
i can smell the fabric interior smell of a car halting on the street for green light. not every car, but there is one that has this typical smell. also one of the neighboar's car has the same. its like 50 meter away.
i am not talking about those smells, people would think i am crazy.

but the funny thing is, this "super" smelling is only for certain smells, recently a friend of mine not having the smell sensitivity , i have to most of things, also is smoker. but there is one particular artificial smell she picks up and does potentially react to it, which i do not smell.
and vice versa.

another crazy thing, my VOC meter shows 50 when it is at its lowest, and sometimes i smell things the VOC doesnt show... but then sometimes it shows 1000 which is intense and i do not smell it.

i have the feeling this smelling works for me only so strong for the stuff which does somehow cause health effects for me, on the other side normal things i seam to smell less. so its not general super smelling, but only for certain things, and worse smelling for others.
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this "healthy" people are mentally sick. and i mean it.
This is what I was thinking when I wrote the original post. The subtext if you will.

What's been done to the planet is mental illness. The destruction of global ecosystems. The destruction of our precious, alive, only home. Sick and deranged.

Sometimes I think that healthy people who are able to thrive under such conditions also exist on a certain frequency of mental illness. They are able to survive and thrive on this frequency of destruction that has severely altered living systems on this planet. They're on the same wavelength. So they don't notice anything is wrong and they are able to appear healthy and functioning and even successful.

Those of us who have serious illnesses, or what is conventionally termed mental illness, or something like alcoholism or severe depression, are simply naturally reacting to intolerable conditions. We're actually healthier in a more holistic way. Maybe we are even more human.

Obviously there are exceptions on both sides but on average I think it's true.
I’ve always disliked cheap and nasty scented items. My mum never had anything like that in the house. She did wear perfume occasionally, but it was the good stuff (that she had scrimped and saved for). Jicky was her favourite, I think.

Most laundry detergent smells abominable, and as for air “freshener”!!!

I would rather sniff horse manure.
Also, I wouldn’t have the strength these days to try it, but I have heard that clothes and linen washed the old fashioned way … boiled in a copper … were amazingly clean and smelled divine.

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