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It was never as we thought and always right there

What if none of it was ever really that far out there. It was merely a matter of pattern recognition? And once you see the patterns, you cannot unsee them.

I am sure some wonder, who does she think she is to be so vocal on some matters. She doesn’t have academia training etc in this area and we have been taught to not listen to ourselves and non academic people. But laying in a bed mostly for 7 years, abandoned by an archaic medical system has given me certain credibility. 😅

Do we really think humans are greedy to the point of mass self destruction? I used to feel that way. Until it really no longer made sense. That isn’t the equilibrium our earth cell would strive for. So, like a disease or a type of stealth infection, we began to credit ourselves for the demise. We must be the reason. And then self deprecated from there. Hence, why you see the massive amount of anger frustration and confusion amongst people right now.

Because deep inside, you know this isn’t so. But it’s hard to break free when so many cells are swimming one way. But it doesn’t feel right. Because in true infections, there are generally microbes that will trick the cell into letting them in. Thinking they are one of them. Until they feed off of them and reprogram the cell and cell hop and expand in meticulous and deceiving ways. It was never as we imagined things to be. But once you look at patterns in nature, it was always right in front of us. THIS is what happens when we don’t separate and compartmentalize but integrate the entirety.

So, integrate society. See the whole as it is. It’s not as far fetched as you may think. It’s quite common on the micro level actually to have cunning infections manipulate populations until you think it’s ‘autoimmune’ and nature becoming confused and attacking itself.

The micro of our issues is trying to teach us the macro of our current plight. It’s not random.


I've never believed in the theory that the body gets confused and attacks itself. Never made any sense to me whatsoever and I think It's one of the biggest lies coming from the medical community.
I've never believed in the theory that the body gets confused and attacks itself. Never made any sense to me whatsoever and I think It's one of the biggest lies coming from the medical community.


Like pattern recognition people.

Majority of humans bodies on planet earth do not just increasingly start having bodies attacking themselves.

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