You aren't going to believe this...Mycoplasma/Lo/XMRV


Senior Member
this is blowing me away.
interestingly the couple times i took doxy just for predental I actually felt better than normal the next day whereas after dental feel worse than normal usually. they switched it to amoxicillin and that doesnt make me feel better. could doxy make you feel better in one day? I want to get my hands on some more and try longer, but i would think a herx would happen at some point. i feel awful on one day of artesunate or wormwood so cant imagine long trial of abx or antivirals......


Senior Member
I've heard CFS patients report positively on the Doxycycline and negative on many others.

I think there were mutterings it may be useful in XMRV infection.

Logic would say possible the CFS patients who report benefits may have XMRV.

I wonder about Doxy. The whole time I was on anti-biotics for Lyme I was never prescribed Doxy - just about everything else - and never saw any improvement. Is it possible that only Doxy is helpful and not the other anti-biotics?

Snow Leopard

South Australia
One reason I'm hesitant about posting this is that HIV denialists have made more of it than I think it warrants. It may be that mycoplasma will turn out to be a cofactor in pathogenisis with retroviruses, but I think it's an illogical jump to say that HIV doesn't cause AIDS. [/FONT][/FONT]

The thing is that so much money has been invested in researching the HIV/AIDS connection that it would be pretty unlikely that the hypothesis is false. But as you say, coinfections may still be significant with regards to pathogenesis. I also think the same is necessary if XMRV is to cause CFS.


Senior Member
I think it would be good if someone made Judy Mikovitz aware of this info about the "antidote"....all of the info on this thread


Senior Member
I wonder about Doxy. The whole time I was on anti-biotics for Lyme I was never prescribed Doxy - just about everything else - and never saw any improvement. Is it possible that only Doxy is helpful and not the other anti-biotics?

really? it was the FIRST thing tried with me by my Lyme doc. it was his usual first approach with everyone. no help after 1 mo.


Contaminated Cell Line 'RustyJ'
Mackay, Aust
Does this mean if ME/CFS patients take Doxycycline for six months or more they may recover?

Hope, most likely Doxy is knocking back some of the coinfections, not XMRV, so theoretically you might partially recover for a period of time. However the effect would most likely be temporary or very patchy from patient to patient, depending on the type of coinfection.

Incidentally I saw a study which showed Doxy had no effect on lyme in vitro the other day, however 2 other herbal extracts did. I am trying to find it again.


I am XMRV positive. I have tried many, many medications and I must say that there are 2 that made me MUCH worse. Doxycycline and Valcyte. Both of these made me feel as if I could drop dead at any moment. Both aggravated all of my symptoms and added more to the mix. Both made me go from being able to function minimally (get to the store and appts. unaided), to being completely bedridden. Both made me worse as soon as I started them, but I remained on both for 2 months. (I was not on them at the same time.)


Senior Member
I've taken Doxy for 6 weeks and had no improvement in my ME symptoms. I've also taken it for shorter periods for things like infections over the years. It's one of the few antibiotics I can tolerate. Wrecks my gut sadly everytime.



Senior Member
Someone needs to ask Dr Lo, does he still think his mycoplasma causes CFS!?

Exactly, well deduced.

The problem is the patent is owned by the US military and Dr Lo which is why I started the thread.

An interesting (albeit potential) conundrum......


Senior Member
and we have to ask, what is a possible treatment for the mycoplasma. he must know.


Senior Member
Heya Villagelife
I am curiuos about your posts on that thread about dr Lo. You said you took doxy at age 15. how old were you when you got cfs, what brought it on?
I took tetracycline for long period in highschool for complexion, perhaps that knocked back some crap, it coincided with being after a bout with mono although I got hit with the mono or whatever it was recurring several times after that, hmmm maybe I should have kept taking the tetracycline and wouldnt have gotten relapses or maybe it at least got rid of some stuff and thats why I am not totally debilitated with my cfs, I also took erythomyocin the summer before I got totally afflicted with fm/cfs (in fall had a surgery and been toast since for 20yrs) I was taking it for rosacea supposedly, they would never give it out like that now, it was 89. I wonder if taking the abx that summer set me up to get worse after the surgery or prevented it from being even worse when the clouds came down on my life....

It says in the that link u posted that doxy only works if you take it at the beg. of the problem though.
(btw VL you have exceeded your incoming private messages, I just tried to send you one but it said you have too many and have to delete some first)


Senior Member
it's a virus. doesn't have to be used on "millions of us"... just on One who becomes Two , then Four, then 8, and goes_ viral_ to Millions; to where we presently are. what a way to deal with overpopulation. omg, and secret files, and talk of nwo; reality, stranger than science fiction, again. very logical theory. so simple, and not as if there isn't an over-population problem to deal with. i am getting reeled in bc it is just so sensible. but oh the lack of humanity, lack of compassion this would require : the dark, dark side at the ultimate worst.


XMRV - L'Agent du Jour
I agree Villagelife - we could just ask Dr Lo, or perhaps ask one of the CFS/ME friendly journalists to pose the question on our behalf?

Perhaps it would be good to wait until the positive Alter/Lo paper is published?
On the other hand, that might detract from the impact of the XMRV finding ..

But if there are severely affected CFS/ME patients who are XMRV -ve, there must be a good reason. We're all in this together.

I'm tempted to wait UNTIL the FDA/NIH Alter/Lo paper comes out and we know EXACTLY what the findings are - Dr Mikovits seemed to indicate that there is good, new info in there as well that has moved the science forwards.