waswondering the same thing myself Koan. And while it's doing this it could also be wreaking havoc periodiacally with our immune systems and helping reactivate other infections. That would help explain the remission/ relapse part of CFS greatly.
Maybe repeated testing over time would be needed to catch active infections of XMRV. Many people with Lyme test negative but have the bacterium in there body and are sick from it.
The test results people are getting back are telling them tehy do not have a current active infection with XMRV. That is all.
The test results do nt rule out you have a lfelong infection in your body with the Virus. And if the virus can reactivate it does not rule out it is what is making you ill.
Until an antibody test is available there are still so many questions as to whether or not XMRV is involved in each persons illness.
I agree, there are still a great many questions to be answered.
Can it reactivate like herpes viruses?
Does an initial XMRV infection damage us in some way which sets off a chain reaction, not dependent on ongoing active infection, ending with ME/CFS?
Are we already damaged, due to genetics/illness/injury in some other way which makes XMRV more problematic for us?
I keep reminding myself that I'm not nearly as smart as the people at WPI, not to mention the fact that science and medicine are NOT my fields of expertise, and that anything I could think of, they have thought of.