Woman's Significant Health Improvements Using Baking Soda - [Sodium Bicarbonate]


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
If you have a problem with having enough hydrochloric acid, I've read that using magnesium oil (magnesium chloride) can be very helpful. Probabl

I think the benefit of 'alkalizing' is not sufficiently addressed by sufferers of this disease. After all we're pretty sure oxidative stress factors into things. I mostly address pH with diet, but I also take potassium citrate and sodium bicarbonate if I need to. Becoming less acidic/oxidized changes the way I respond to just about every therapy I try, invariably making them more tolerable. It also positively affects many of my symptoms. It's been one of the most important factors in moving towards recovery.

For anyone getting low stomach acid from baking soda try a shot of apple cider vinegar as, besides adding acid to your stomach for digestion, it has a systemic alkalizing effect.


Senior Member
From just perusing without reading all of her posts, it seems she had a history of aneurysms, and was having another experience with them. From the seemingly limited amount of baking soda she took, I doubt that she became overly alkaline to the point of causing these aneurysms. She had her surgery in Jan. '09, and I noticed she made a few posts in 2010. Never mentioned anything about her surgery, so I'm assuming she came out of the surgery OK. It sounded like she was doing so well before the aneurysms, that she quit going the the message board. I might PM her, and see if she gets it.

Another ancient reply. :)

I'm not certain, but I think Woofmom may have taken too much molybdenum -- she was raving about it for 2-3 years before her first stroke. Molybdenum inhibits/lowers copper, which helps prevent aneurysms. That's just a guess of course, but they did come after she felt was doing a lot better on her molybdenum/pantethine 'protocol'.