Woman's Significant Health Improvements Using Baking Soda - [Sodium Bicarbonate]


Senior Member
HCL levels are influenced by cortisol.

That's how stress and adrenal health play directly into all the important things you state.

Weird tidbit: up to the 1970's there was this tonic lots of people used, Julapium. For all kinds of ailments. All it does is acidify the stomach acid. It works. It saved my bacon when I got bedridden in 2008. I didn't have a clue but knew I made no bile and that this is linked to stomach's pH. My old doctor knew an old pharmacist who knew the recipe. And my healing began.

Nowadays we pop lots of pills for heartburn, lowering the stomach acidity even more...


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Nowadays we pop lots of pills for heartburn, lowering the stomach acidity even more...

Many years ago when my mother was advancing in age, her doctor told her it would be a good idea to take Fosamax to prevent bone loss. My mother told him she didn't want to take a prescription drug, so he told her to start chewing on TUMs to add calcium to her diet. She went along with that, and began to have terrible stomach and other GI problems. When I visited one weekend, we managed to connect the dots, and she went off the TUMs. Her problems cleared up shortly afterwards. Foxamax could have been even worse. It makes bones extremely brittle after only a a few short years, leading to major fractures from doing virtually nothing. --- So many doctors are just plain nuts!


Senior Member
Weird tidbit: up to the 1970's there was this tonic lots of people used, Julapium. For all kinds of ailments. All it does is acidify the stomach acid. It works. It saved my bacon when I got bedridden in 2008. I didn't have a clue but knew I made no bile and that this is linked to stomach's pH. My old doctor knew an old pharmacist who knew the recipe. And my healing began.

Couldn't find the tonic you were talking about, the closest thing to it is Mint Julep, if you acidify the stomach that will produce more bile acids, your gut takes its signal from there.


Senior Member
Couldn't find the tonic you were talking about, the closest thing to it is Mint Julep,
It's a 5% solution of hydrochloric acid (HCl) with some poppyflower oil (and sugar) added to help it go down. It's a liquid in a brown bottle. Made of food grade HCl, not the household kind.

You take a little swallow after a meal. Don't swish around the mouth, it will dissolve the tooth enamel, I think.
In later prescriptions I asked them to take out the sugar because I didn't need it.
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Senior Member
Hmm. This is interesting, Wayne, as I have super-low levels of taurine.

if you have low levels of taurine you shud just jump a reaction step and take bile salts with your meals. Besides other functions, that is what most taurine end up as and bile is CRITICAL to your gut health and by induction your immune health.


Senior Member
if you have low levels of taurine you shud just jump a reaction step and take bile salts with your meals. Besides other functions, that is what most taurine end up as and bile is CRITICAL to your gut health and by induction your immune health.
Thanks! I have some in my "pharmacy" that I forgot about. I'll dig it up and start taking it again.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Thanks! I have some in my "pharmacy" that I forgot about. I'll dig it up and start taking it again.
I don't want to put an undue damper on things, but I ran across a pretty sobering thread a few weeks ago on CureZone as I was researching liver/gb issues. It was written by a man who had a truly horrendous experience with bile acids (not sure if they're the same as bile salts). I would imagine something like what he experienced is rare, but it's an example of how seemingly benign substances can sometimes turn out to be devastating for some people. Perhaps an example of how we should always listen to our bodies for any sign of danger. --- Here's a link to that thread:

Desperate and need help... (liver/gallbladder)

I would recommend reading the part where he thought he was in the clear after a couple of weeks of stopping the bile acids. It was at this time when he accidentally took a single bile acids capsule that began his terrible experience.
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Senior Member
Just finished reading the link, I am somewhat aware of this and that was why I only recommend it to Leela when I read that she is low on Taurine. Taurine is needed to make bile salts and you shud only take bile salts if your body does not make alot of it. Glycine and Taurine are conjugated into bile acids for the liver's phase 2 detoxification step. Also another note about your link is that sadpanda did not say that he had low bile acids to begin with or that his taurine levels were low.

Contrast your link to this link tho: http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james63.htm
and the picture isn't so clear cut for this supplement.

There is a bunch of pple out that that cholagogues just don't work and they need the real thing. I take the same bile acids from Jarrows too but I take it on an empty stomach. The reasoning here is that I don't really want it to be absorbed into my body, just bind to stuff and then leave my body.
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Senior Member
Thank you for your genuine concern @Wayne. I should clarify that I have the bile salts on hand because they were advised by a nutrigenomics doctor who had assessed all my labs and my genetic info.

I did not realise they were linked to taurine (or had forgotten--I'm exceedingly forgetful these days) and as a vegetarian I try to limit the animal products wherever possible. I had made an exception there b/c digestion was so difficult, but was eager to stop them, not realising they could also aid in the production of taurine, which itself can be low due to veg diet!


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
I did not realise they were linked to taurine (or had forgotten--I'm exceedingly forgetful these days) and as a vegetarian I try to limit the animal products wherever possible. I had made an exception there b/c digestion was so difficult, but was eager to stop them, not realising they could also aid in the production of taurine, which itself can be low due to veg diet!

You can get vegetarian (and vegan) taurine, for example here.

I don't know if there's a veggie equivalent to bile salts/acids.


Senior Member
Yes, but I am really uncomfortable sharing what happened. Sorry, as I brought this up.:(


Senior Member
I don't want to put an undue damper on things, but I ran across a pretty sobering thread a few weeks ago on CureZone as I was researching liver/gb issues. It was written by a man who had a truly horrendous experience with bile acids (not sure if they're the same as bile salts). I would imagine something like what he experienced is rare, but it's an example of how seemingly benign substances can sometimes turn out to be devastating for some people. Perhaps an example of how we should always listen to our bodies for any sign of danger. --- Here's a link to that thread:

Desperate and need help... (liver/gallbladder)

I would recommend reading the part where he thought he was in the clear after a couple of weeks of stopping the bile acids. It was at this time when he accidentally took a single bile acids capsule that began his terrible experience.

I guess I don't understand why this young man kept doing the liver flushes. Anything relating to ridding toxins unfortunately, also flushes all the good stuff that are needed by your body. Colonics mess up your intestinal system.

All because he doesn't want his gallbladder taken out? While he truely might not need this, all the stuff he is taking COULD be making him sick. To ignore this with the polyp, high ALT is frankly, IMHO playing with fire.

Sorry for the rant but Ignoring symptoms and self medicating can be dangerous.

I just had a friend who died of liver cancer in November. It was horrible. Her liver enzymes had been elevated a year before the cancer actually showed up.

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ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
I can't see how salt would do that, even if it contains small amounts of other minerals, apart perhaps from some effect on pH. I suspect that she will need extra calcium and perhaps other minerals. My own teeth have been much better since I started supplementing with bone minerals.

Replying to myself here - I have discovered since writing the above post that hyponatraemia (low blood sodium) can increase the risk of fracture, suggesting perhaps that salt may indeed have the potential to remineralise bone - so maybe teeth too? This may only apply in the case of hyponatraemia.

My post here refers to this.

I am thinking that it may be too late for my teeth, as I have been losing pieces again for a few months, and I have plenty of salt and sodium bicarbonate. Maybe the initial damage from 7 years of intermittent hyponatraemia (probably due to an ACE inhibitor) was just too much.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I am thinking that it may be too late for my teeth, as I have been losing pieces again for a few months, and I have plenty of salt and sodium bicarbonate.

@MeSci, I got on a re-mineralization kick about a year ago for my bone and teeth health. In case you're interested, I did a POST which mentioned some of the things I started at that time. -- Good luck with managing your teeth difficulties. From experience I know the challenges they present can be quite difficult [and perplexing as to what to do with them.]


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
@MeSci, I got on a re-mineralization kick about a year ago for my bone and teeth health. In case you're interested, I did a POST which mentioned some of the things I started at that time. -- Good luck with managing your teeth difficulties. From experience I know the challenges they present can be quite difficult [and perplexing as to what to do with them.]

Thanks, @Wayne. The other thread supports the conclusions I came to. I stopped going to dentists about 20 years ago, I think. It was partly because I couldn't afford it, and I also had my doubts about their enthusiasm to scrape people's teeth regularly ('scale and polish'). It just felt wrong, and felt like they were actually damaging the teeth.

After I stopped going to the dentists I was almost entirely free from dental problems until a doctor prescribed that damned ACE inhibitor in 2007, so my teeth escaped dentist-abuse but finally fell victim to doctor-abuse (as did my bones - I suffered the only fracture of my life).

I'm prepared to let my teeth crumble if I can't rescue them through nutrition, but am continuing to supplement the necessary (I hope) minerals and trying to stop excreting them excessively by keeping my gut healthy, but think I still lose a lot in urine.

It has led to current difficulties eating, due to the holes where fillings and enamel have been lost, but I'll check out that other thread to see if I can find any more useful info!


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I was just watching a PBS documentary on acidification of the oceans [from the ocean absorbing large amounts of carbon dioxide]. It initially focused on how it's interfering with ocean life like oysters, clams, etc. from making hard shells.

At one point, they focused on how this acidification is also leading to "cognitive impairment" in many of these ocean creatures. Hmmmm.... Could some of the cognitive dysfunction we experience be resulting from being too acidic? I'm about ready to give this baking soda another go around, and see if it helps in this regard.


Senior Member
This might be an odd question - how should you take bicarb soda when you want your stomach acid to work?

In other words - is it a possibility, or do you need to get the stomach digestion working first?