Woman's Significant Health Improvements Using Baking Soda - [Sodium Bicarbonate]


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
I only just started taking Tri-Salts. It feels very friendly, but too early to see results. What I wonder about is the low-stomach-acid many of us PWME have, and whether one needs to pay attention to when one takes the alkalizer? Like away from meals, or only at night, or I dunno.

ETA: Just went to your excellent link, Wayne, and she does address this question.
First thing in AM on empty stomach, which is what I have been doing :)

Maybe it's not suitable for people with low stomach acid. A lot of us seem to have the opposite problem - acidosis both in the gut and in the muscles. I wonder whether ME people with low stomach acid have muscle acidosis? I thought we all did.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
I don't think it was the baking soda but something else but I don't want to say more until I check something and that won't be untill tomorrow.

I certainly gathered from
Apparently what I'm doing is working better than anything I could have ever imagined, baking soda and all
that she was doing other things as well as taking bicarb.


Senior Member
The largest part of our immune system is our stomach. And the most important chemical of our immune system is hydrochloric acid. The ph set up by HCL triggers a whole cascade of biochemical reactions. It determines how much pancreatic enzymes we produce all the way to determining how much neurotransmitters are produced in our brain to keep away depression. The low ph field sets up a potential in our blood to activate the immune system to work and to work correctly. And do not forget that HCL itself in the stomach breaks down alot of particles that if not broken down go on to be absorbed and become allergens in the blood. If they don't become allergens they cud also cos food intolerances and sensitivities. We already know that pancreatic enzymes actually play a big part in making the immune system function properly so why not HCL or anything acidic for that matter.
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
The largest part of our immune system is our stomach. And the most important chemical of our immune system is hydrochloric acid.

I've read a lot of different numbers regarding the percentage of the immune system that resides in the GI tract; the latest number I heard was 80%. I recently heard on a video that the stomach and upper GI tract around the duodenum (the uppermost area of the small intestine where bile is released and pancreatic enzymes are released) comprises the highest percentage of this GI immune function.

So many critical things around this area, which is why I recently started supplementing with HCL, along with doing some fairly extensive liver/gb flushing. I'm combining this with some anti-parasitic remedies, and It's definitely all paying off. I'm feeling more hopeful than I've been in a while about being able to make some significant health gains. --- A tip I read recently: If you want to give your immune system a boost, stimulate nerves in the spinal area corresponding to the stomach/upper GI area. Chiropractic, massage, stretching, etc. all apparently can work very well.
Hello Wayne. I overcame many, many of symptoms (Fibro) following a very strict Candid diet (no fruits) and were able to go from couple of years bed-bound to running 3-4 kms every other day, etc. Digestive problems, poor sleep and brain fog were bad.

After a enema everything changed, but fibro problems kept ok, I became more fatigued, couldn´t do anymore exercise, but curiously my digestion improved a lot (at the begining with help of Triphala-indian herb mixture), and my sleep went from bad to intrusive (sleep has become so profound that I don´t even hear the cel phone during day sleep which is has changed my life).

I had this awful month recently and ended up with a urinary tract infection, I used antibiotics and had major problems with reflux, felt terrible. Then I tried magnesia milk, magnesium chloride salts (I am sorry for my spelling I am from México), sea salt as well as Azantac…

I spent 4 or 5 wonderful, incredible days, my mind was as clear as I didn´t recall for many, many years, after spending most of the days in bed for almost 3 months, I went up feeling energized, with a very, very clear, smart and rapid mind.
I kept doing a very stric diet (Gaps). I woke up yesterday feeling kind of foggy and took what I mentioned… at the middle of the day I was feeling perfectly, gloriously well.

Unfortunately this is a double sided trick, I know antiacids (even magnesia milk) shouldn´t be taken in the long run because the gut flora gets disrupted, and since tomorrow I will start doing some search for a more natural way of alkalinizing my gut, since the stomach and the gut need diferent levels of ph.

I think GB flush is my next step, I ordered a book about it already, and will keep looking in Ayurveda resources for this purpouse.

But the importance of this is that something happened really, really good to me that allowed me to have such a terrible wellnes, even though it is a short term help as I mentioned. Maybe I will keep using them for a couple of days until I find a new way of getting the same results (I hope!).

Enemas are vital in my experience, but I would do a Basti enema like Ayurveda recomends, they are not as agresive as medical enemas, they can cause renal failure because the dehidratation. I don´t know about colon irrigation, but Ayurveda has 5000 years of experience and is very gentle with the body, which is very importan to us with a very delicate digestive system.

I try to keep medicine to a mínimum since I think they tend have secondary effects, and apart from the damage they keep me from knowing what is really happening, and maybe they could afect the outcomes from natural remedies.

I also am planning to follow a more stric diet eliminating vegetables with fructuose, after I got in touch with a member of the forum which went from bed bound to active life. She really exist (not a very new member of the forum), and doesn´t sell anything, she was very kind by answering back some of my mails, and describing her whole diet protocol.

I also recall using baking soda several times when I felt upset when I had more problems with Fibro, with good results for pain…

There is definitively a lot in the gut and ph balance we must be addressing, as well as the GB flushing since it may balance the ph where it is needed. Alkalinizing the stomach excesively is not good since it doesn´t help digestion at all, acid levels in the stomach are important too for infection prevention.

Ok, too much english for a couple of minuts haha.

I have found a lot of help for many of my symptoms, but never got such a rapid and overwhelming improvement in my cognitive function. I am able to recognise very well my state of mind because a had some trainig on it, and can definetly tell you the change was major, and impresive.

Bless you all for the information this forum provides!
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
@Wayne, do you have a chart handy of the corresponding spinal area?

Woops, I forgot to mention that the corresponding spinal area is between the shoulder blades, I believe around T6-T7 or so. Reflexology might also be something worthwhile to consider. I've known for years how nerves in our hands and feet correspond to other distant parts of our body, and that stimulating them sends nerve energy to these various body parts and organs. But I then read that the best reflexology point for any given organ is the organ itself. So I've been massaging my upper gut area, both by hand and with a massager, and seem to have noticed more harmony and calm in this whole area. Been doing castor oil packs as well.

Another consideration is cranial nerve function. I read once that 70% of the nerve impulses exiting the brain run through the TMJ joint. So if somebody has a TMJ problem, and the nerve impulses are getting crimped, then that could cause problems in just about any part of our physiology. I'm assume this could even be the T6-T7 area corresponding to the upper GI tract. After I got my atlas realigned using AtlasProfilx, I noticed a major increase in energy getting to my GI tract. Began to feel extremely hungry, and felt my digestion improved considerably.

My take was that my vagus nerve had been crimped from a major whiplash injury when I was 15, and that all the cranial nerves exiting my brainstem all became compromised. I sometimes wonder how many pwCFS/FM have similar situations, whether TMJ, neck dislocation, and even blockages along the route certain cranial nerve impulses travel. The vagus nerve meanders through the TMJ joint, down through the thyroid area, through the heart, stomach, and eventually all the way to the colon. A lot of the symptoms of CFS correspond with vagus nerve dysfunction.
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Senior Member
Love reflexology - relaxes you all over in a gentle way if I remember rightly. Haven't had it done since being sick. Facials are lovely too.


Senior Member
Sodium Bicarb is used by athletes to improve their physical performance especially endurance levels. I can see how this would be desirable in every person with CFS. It buffers blood ph and lactic acid as the muscles produce it and dumps it in the blood. It prevents the blood from getting too acidic.


Senior Member
--- A tip I read recently: If you want to give your immune system a boost, stimulate nerves in the spinal area corresponding to the stomach/upper GI area. Chiropractic, massage, stretching, etc. all apparently can work very well.

I do massages 4 lymphatic drainage around the whole belly area, I feel it helps when I am really exhausted.

@Christopher I take a Betaine with all my meals and I also take 1 tsp of vinegar or lemon juice in a cup of water on an empty stomach 2-3 times a day. I this is quite important. It lets the acid go into the blood at that ph w/o being neutralized by the gut.
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
So it is advisable to try supplementing with both HcL and bicarb?
Hey Christopher, I speculated in Post #17 whether Himalayan salt might be a better alternative to baking soda, since it seems to effectively address both HCL and Bicarbonate pH issues. My wife and I are both getting started on the Himalayan salt protocol; me for mostly CFS issues, her for tooth sensitivity. She's hoping the salt can help re-mineralize her teeth, making them less sensitive.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
Hey Christopher, I speculated in Post #17 whether Himalayan salt might be a better alternative to baking soda, since it seems to effectively address both HCL and Bicarbonate pH issues. My wife and I are both getting started on the Himalayan salt protocol; me for mostly CFS issues, her for tooth sensitivity. She's hoping the salt can help re-mineralize her teeth, making them less sensitive.

I can't see how salt would do that, even if it contains small amounts of other minerals, apart perhaps from some effect on pH. I suspect that she will need extra calcium and perhaps other minerals. My own teeth have been much better since I started supplementing with bone minerals.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I can't see how salt would do that, even if it contains small amounts of other minerals, apart perhaps from some effect on pH.

I've done so much researching recently, it's hard for me to remember some of the things I've read. But I do seem to remember somebody saying that Himalayan salt can re-mineralize teeth because 15% of its weight is trace minerals (apparently 84 in all). I myself am on sort of a bone broth kick for teeth, bone and cartilage health. I remember one person saying liver is the best food you can eat for your teeth, but my wife is vegetarian, so that rules out some of the primary ways that are often recommended. She is however taking diatomaceous earth regularly, which besides being anti-parasitic, is also good for bones and teeth.

Here's a Blurb on Diatomaceous Earth:
Bone Strength
A small amount of Diatomaceous Earth gets absorbed into the blood stream as silica. The benefits of silica are many. In today’s grains, there is actually a shortage of silica.Years ago, the silica found in our foodstuffs was adequate, but with today’s hybrids and depleted soils, only about 1/3 of the silica needed is supplied in our food. DE is a simple and inexpensive way to get the silica your body needs.

Silica is the absolute most important nutrient for bone strength. Silica not only aids with calcium absorption, but it is also essential for the collagen matrix that gives the bones the majority of their strength. In addition the piezoelectric effect of silica is what allows mineralization of the collagen matrix. In other words, without sufficient silica all of the calcium, magnesium, phosphorus….. will not do anything for the bones. Silica can help prevent visual problems from aging due to loss of flexibility of the lens of the eye. It is great for tendonitis and other similar problems due to the strengthening and anti-inflammatory properties of silica. Silica also links together glucosamine molecules to form chondroitin molecules for the production of cartilage.


Senior Member
@Wayne, you and your wife might be interested in this product, which I've just started again, after having forgotten about it for a whole year. It is one of my best supplements, I dunno why I regularly forget about it (I've moved house a lot, and this always disrupts my routine.)

It consistently tests high with bioenergetic testing for me as well; but the bottom line is I always feel better when I get back on it and work up to twice a day. The twice a day brings me noticeable benefit.

(there is a discount code "turkey" til dec 31st.)

Also, I recently came across this recipe for homemade remineralizing toothpaste, though I have not tried it yet:
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perchance dreamer

Senior Member
Interesting about fulvic acid. Recently I was coming down with an upper-respiratory infection, and an employee at Whole Foods recommended Sunwarrior Immune Shield with Gold. It's colloidal silver with a fulvic acid complex.


He suggested taking it every hour for a couple of days. It worked great, and I didn't get sick. I also noticed that my back pain, which has been so much worse lately, really eased up.

However, you're only supposed to take silver for acute conditions, so I stopped after a couple of days, and all the pain returned.

I bought their Liquid Light, which is also fulvic acid, but without the silver, but you take it just once a day. I don't get pain relief from it. I'll ask my nutritionist about all this the next time I see him.


Senior Member
@perchance dreamer , my back pain has been way worse lately too. What's up with that?! Sorry to hear the pain returned :(
I wonder if you took the plain fulvic more than once a day if you'd get better results? I know that when I up the "Gift" to twice a day, the benefits are so much more. I have to work up slowly though, because it can induce rapid detox, at least over here.