Hello Wayne. I overcame many, many of symptoms (Fibro) following a very strict Candid diet (no fruits) and were able to go from couple of years bed-bound to running 3-4 kms every other day, etc. Digestive problems, poor sleep and brain fog were bad.
After a enema everything changed, but fibro problems kept ok, I became more fatigued, couldn´t do anymore exercise, but curiously my digestion improved a lot (at the begining with help of Triphala-indian herb mixture), and my sleep went from bad to intrusive (sleep has become so profound that I don´t even hear the cel phone during day sleep which is has changed my life).
I had this awful month recently and ended up with a urinary tract infection, I used antibiotics and had major problems with reflux, felt terrible. Then I tried magnesia milk, magnesium chloride salts (I am sorry for my spelling I am from México), sea salt as well as Azantac…
I spent 4 or 5 wonderful, incredible days, my mind was as clear as I didn´t recall for many, many years, after spending most of the days in bed for almost 3 months, I went up feeling energized, with a very, very clear, smart and rapid mind.
I kept doing a very stric diet (Gaps). I woke up yesterday feeling kind of foggy and took what I mentioned… at the middle of the day I was feeling perfectly, gloriously well.
Unfortunately this is a double sided trick, I know antiacids (even magnesia milk) shouldn´t be taken in the long run because the gut flora gets disrupted, and since tomorrow I will start doing some search for a more natural way of alkalinizing my gut, since the stomach and the gut need diferent levels of ph.
I think GB flush is my next step, I ordered a book about it already, and will keep looking in Ayurveda resources for this purpouse.
But the importance of this is that something happened really, really good to me that allowed me to have such a terrible wellnes, even though it is a short term help as I mentioned. Maybe I will keep using them for a couple of days until I find a new way of getting the same results (I hope!).
Enemas are vital in my experience, but I would do a Basti enema like Ayurveda recomends, they are not as agresive as medical enemas, they can cause renal failure because the dehidratation. I don´t know about colon irrigation, but Ayurveda has 5000 years of experience and is very gentle with the body, which is very importan to us with a very delicate digestive system.
I try to keep medicine to a mínimum since I think they tend have secondary effects, and apart from the damage they keep me from knowing what is really happening, and maybe they could afect the outcomes from natural remedies.
I also am planning to follow a more stric diet eliminating vegetables with fructuose, after I got in touch with a member of the forum which went from bed bound to active life. She really exist (not a very new member of the forum), and doesn´t sell anything, she was very kind by answering back some of my mails, and describing her whole diet protocol.
I also recall using baking soda several times when I felt upset when I had more problems with Fibro, with good results for pain…
There is definitively a lot in the gut and ph balance we must be addressing, as well as the GB flushing since it may balance the ph where it is needed. Alkalinizing the stomach excesively is not good since it doesn´t help digestion at all, acid levels in the stomach are important too for infection prevention.
Ok, too much english for a couple of minuts haha.
I have found a lot of help for many of my symptoms, but never got such a rapid and overwhelming improvement in my cognitive function. I am able to recognise very well my state of mind because a had some trainig on it, and can definetly tell you the change was major, and impresive.
Bless you all for the information this forum provides!