So I ordered the Bravo GcMAF yogurt for both my husband and myself for one month at a cost of $300.00. We made it as directed and I can honestly say that I did notice considerably less bloating and gas and a more peaceful feeling in my gut. My husband noticed the same, but he had not had CFS/me nearly as long as I have and has not had the gut issues I have had. They recommend 4 months on the Bravo yogurt for CFS.
In the meantime, we found out that RAW MILK, available from a local dairy contains GcMAF and even better RAW COLOSTRUM, which is the mother's first milk after delivering her calf. So what we're doing now is making KEFIR COLOSTRUM. We are ordering the RAW COLOSTRUM from the dairy and fermenting it with KEFIR grains, which the dairy also provided. The Kefir Colostrum is supposed to have 60+ strains of probiotic bacteria, most of which we will never get from a probiotic capsule, store bought kefir or yogurt.
It is quite easy to do. I am very optimistic about this process and it's alot cheaper than the Bravo.
Of course, I will have my nagalese levels retested, but I'd like to give this at least 4 months and will probably stay on it for life.
The COLOSTRUM contains all of the nutrients from the mother to set-up the calf's immune system for life. Same for human babies until we introduce a few rounds of antibiotics and then that start's changing the ratio of good bacteria to bad bacteria in our gut. Also, most of our immune system is in our gut so it makes sense to heal that.
In Addition.
We have learned that it is important to take oleic acid and vitamin D with the GcMAF kefir
to enhance absorption.
So we are taking a teaspoonfull of
olive oil and a
Vitamin D3 capsule when we take our kefir.
Also, if you have a lot of stomach acid, some people are taking an antacid such as Maalox to prevent the stomach acid from destroying the enzymes and beneficial bacteria in the kefir. I have low stomach acid so I don't really need to do that.
This is a great article that explains how the process works: Notice that they mention that it is bovine milk and colostrum.
This is their description of
Bravo Yogurt.
Yogurt enriched in powerful immuno-stimulating molecules including GcMAF. This product must be made/cultured at home, using bovine milk and colostrum. GcMAF that contained in the yogurt is bovine in nature, which is about 86% compatible with human GcMAF. Mixed results have been seen with this product and early lab tests were unable to pinpoint the GcMAF in the product. As a probiotic, improved gut flora also improves immune system action.
I wish us all the best of health.