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When benzos stop working?


Senior Member
Well it seems that benzos are now like sugar pills.. My body has become completely immune!

I'I've now tried a few different kinds.. Clonazepam, Ativan, Xanax, Valium, oxazepam... You get the idea...
None of them do anything. Literally it's like I have just taken a sugar pill.

What do I do now? Anyone have suggestions? Any meds that are of a different drug family but similar in action to benzos?

Right now the only thing that seems to knock me out is mirtazipine.

Any advice would be great! Thank uuuuu


Stop the harm. Start the research and treatment.
Toronto, Canada
Curious...are you hypermobile? Can you touch your thumbs to your forearms? Put your hands flat on the floor with straight legs?


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Sounds like s tolerance issue. I take DXM. It's in Tussin. DM

I read here how some use it for benzos tolerance. I have not bad any problems with tolerance so maybe it's working?

Maybe stop benzos, fake dxm and let your receptors reset. I think anything you take that works like benzos may not work right now. I love phenibut but you can only use it 2x/ week. Bad withdrawal.

I feel your pain. I cannot sleep at all without a benzo

O H look Into etiziolam or etizolam. Forget the name.

Where are you? U.S. You can find online for cheap. I tried it. Really drugged me but we are all different.
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Senior Member
L-theanine doesn't do much for me, but I know it is very helpful for one person I know. He claims it is like a weaker version of Xanax. Might be worth a shot if you haven't already tried it.
Now Foods L-theanine
( I'm not endorsing this product, it just has a lot of reviews that might be informative)

There are lots of possible things to try in Hip's post Completely eliminated my severe anxiety symptoms with three supplements!.

I don't think any of these things will knock you out, but they might make it easier to sleep.
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Moderation Resource Albuquerque
What do I do now? Anyone have suggestions? Any meds that are of a different drug family but similar in action to benzos?
Right now the only thing that seems to knock me out is mirtazipine.
Here is a product that is pretty good for me and I am a "hard case" when it comes to sleep: http://www.iherb.com/Herbs-Etc-Deep-Sleep-Alcohol-Free-120-Fast-Acting-Softgels/15862 I think the most active ingredient is California Poppy. It has good reviews on the site. Normally herbal sleep aids have no effect on me.


Senior Member
...I've now tried a few different kinds.. Clonazepam, Ativan, Xanax, Valium, oxazepam... You get the idea...
None of them do anything. Literally it's like I have just taken a sugar pill.

Right now the only thing that seems to knock me out is mirtazipine.

That is classic habituation to benzos, usually occurring after increasing the dosage several times. Stopping benzos cold turkey can be dangerous.

Have you stopped the benzos entirely, using mirtazapine it their place? You will be very, very lucky indeed if you are able to avoid benzo withdrawal by using the mirtazapine, but I surely hope it works for you. If the mirtazapine is working, why are you looking for a substitute?

You might want to check out this thread:
This is a new drug, working in an entirely different way.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
@Sushi That would do nothing for me. Suntheanine does nothing either. Every herb I tried only works if I take it with a benzo.

For some of us, nothing but a benzo will put us to sleep. I've tried sleeping without them, but I absolutely will NOT sleep.

I am very careful, I don't up my dose and I take the DX which is what will help you with tolerance and any possible withdrawal. And will help you sleep @alice111, if you were on low doses of other stuff and were alternating you may not have a problem with withdrawal. If you are concerned. Take a low dose just to keep your blood levels ok.

I use this. I have not increased the dose of anything I take after a year. Your gaba receptors just get used to it.



Senior Member
Curious...are you hypermobile? Can you touch your thumbs to your forearms? Put your hands flat on the floor with straight legs?
Hahah NOOOO my arms are insanely tight, and my hands... It's been since I've been sick, like I can't even lie with my arms out flat .. So no.


Senior Member
@minkeygirl great! Thanks so much I will give this a try!!

I have had zero problems with benzo withdrawal. I have stopped and started various times and never had any issues.

In answer to @geraldt52 the mirtazipine only works if I take it no more than once a week. So that leaves me with six other nights.... Which I literally will not sleep if I don't take something! It's a freakin pain...

Oh how I miss the days when my head would hit the pillow and sleep would come without a second thought ...


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
@alice111 i know exactly how you feel. I have 4 or 5 benzos that I layer and alternate with a bunch or other stuff rx and otc.

The nights I've tried to sleep without a benzos I don't.

I use the Tussin DM, diabetic formula, about 4 nights a week and over a year of doing that no problems. And I sleep better with it.

I'd be screwed without benzos. Unless someone has epic Insomnia and a complete inability to sleep they can't get it.

Also, I don't know if you do this but I use 3 or 4 things to get me to sleep. Benzos initiate sleep and then I have other stuff to sustain. Kava, passion flower, seroquel, trazodone, antihistamines. I can use less benzos with other stuff.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
If u can stop benzos for awhile would help reverse tolerance as drug holidays are helpful. only if on a low dose and chat to dr first.

Mirtazapine is a good alternative while you take a break from benzos. Also low dose seroquel can be good for sleep too.

Living Dead

Senior Member
You don't really have a choice, you have to take a (rather long) break to make them work again. During this break your sleep problems will be greater than before you started benzos, so don't expect anything to work. This is the nature of benzos, and is why most doctors are hesitant to prescribe them.