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What's the most affordable way to provide the body with ozone?


Senior Member
Hi, I have found this video:

I stumbled upon ozone many times and it always sounded very promising, destroying harmful pathogens, while leaving beneficial bacteria unlike most other antiseptic agents.

Now that I've seen this video from one of my favourite doctors, I'd be curious, what methods are there that are affordable to get ozone into my body by myself?

Going to a clinic is too expensive of an option for me atm.


Senior Member
A jar of olive oil with ozone? Since the ozone will probably break down within an hour, you'd better use super-duper priority courier delivery. :) The free oxygen ion will probably turn the oil rancid quickly too.

I don't think that beneficial bacteria have any protection from ozone that harmful bacteria don't also have.


Senior Member
I think the ozone half-life in olive oil is quite long; this study says:
Ozone can be stabilised as an ozonide between the double bonds of a monounsaturated fatty acid such as oleic acid. As a consequence, ozonated olive oil remains stable for 2 years at 4°


Senior Member
I couldn't access the paper to substantiate that claim. Most ozonides seem to be quite unstable. Also, if that form really does remain stable for 2 years, is that form medically effective? The oil used in the experiment was probably used immediately after production.

Maybe it's a valid product with a reasonable shelf life, but I have to admit I'm skeptical about its effective shelf life.


Senior Member
I've had a jar of ozonated olive oil in my fridge for over a year and it still smells potently of ozone.
It's water that will let the ozone dissipate in twenty minutes @ room temp. O3 water will keep in the fridge for about 24 hours.

Hemp or olive oil hold O3 for a really long time and it's very handy stuff to have around for cuts and burns as well.

You can make ozone water to drink using this inexpensive machine:
It's not medical grade, but it will do a glass of water on its 20-minute cycle.


Senior Member
You can make ozone water to drink using this inexpensive machine:
It's not medical grade, but it will do a glass of water on its 20-minute cycle.

In my own case, I found drinking ozone water caused a lot of diarrhea, and made me feel very frail and depressed.

Whereas when I apply ozone water transdermally using the "easy ozone method", I have no such issues, and in fact I find this transdermal ozone noticeably improves mental health for several days after application.


Senior Member
I stumbled upon ozone many times and it always sounded very promising, destroying harmful pathogens, while leaving beneficial bacteria unlike most other antiseptic agents.

That's actually a false statement made by Dr Eric Berg in the above ozone video. At the concentrations that are used in the body, ozone is not capable of destroying any pathogens. This has been clearly stated by the FDA, so Dr Eric Berg should know better.
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Senior Member
That's actually a false statement made by Dr Eric Berg in the above ozone video. At the concentrations that are used in the body, ozone is not capable of destroying any pathogens. This has been clearly stated by the FDA, so Dr Eric Berg should know better.
I can't quote a study or be scientific in any way other than my n=1 personal experience, but I credit blood ozonation w/uvbi as having finally rid me of the intractable mycoplasma infection. Maybe it was the uvbi.

FDA cannot always be trusted to have the final word, as there is a good deal of agency capture going on there.


Senior Member
I can't quote a study or be scientific in any way other than my n=1 personal experience, but I credit blood ozonation w/uvbi as having finally rid me of the intractable mycoplasma infection.

Some papers suggest that ozone therapy stimulates the immune response, so that might be how it may have worked against your Mycoplasma. Ozone therapy also ramps up antioxidant defenses, so that's another beneficial aspect.

It's pretty easy to calculate the blood concentration of ozone that will result from ozone therapy. If you use the same concentration in vitro, you find that it does not kill pathogens via a bleaching effect. So I think that's the basis of the FDA's statement.

The exception is when ozone is used to treat skin infections, where it does kill pathogens by bleaching, because when topically applied, the concentrations are higher on the skin.


Senior Member
@Hip the ozone generator for 30 bucks is very bad rated, do you have another for that price point you could recomment?

What do you mean by "bad rated". I have not suggested any particular model, I am just saying that you can buy a cheap ozone generator for around $30. The one you linked to looks fine, it produces 400 mg of ozone per hour, which is the same as my machine.

Most of the these cheap ozone generators produce around 400 or 600 mg/h.


I have done about 5 treatment blood 1,000 ( I forgot unit). And have seen a great improvement but I did a new peptide also, the combo is Doinf wonders . I will update on how I do long term.


Senior Member
What do you mean by "bad rated". I have not suggested any particular model, I am just saying that you can buy a cheap ozone generator for around $30. The one you linked to looks fine, it produces 400 mg of ozone per hour, which is the same as my machine.

Most of the these cheap ozone generators produce around 400 or 600 mg/h.
I just searched the one on the image you had in your post.
But I'll be getting the one I mentioned then.

As for mental health improvement, this is something I'm totally looking for. Can you tell a little more about that and how to use it transdermally? I'm certainly going to try it out.


Senior Member
As for mental health improvement, this is something I'm totally looking for. Can you tell a little more about that and how to use it transdermally? I'm certainly going to try it out.

The transdermal method is explained in the easy ozone method post.

I find the mental health benefits from a transdermal application appear within hours, and last for about 2 or 3 days. Then you may need to reapply. I suffer from depression, anxiety, anhedonia and some mild psychosis-type symptoms sometimes. Ozone helps all of these.


Senior Member
@Hip could you advise the machine that you use please

My model is no longer available, but the following model found on th UK eBay looks similar:
