I first took the AZ vaccine 4 months ago, and for 3 of those months I was unable to walk for more than 10/20 metres without severly crashing (I could go running 3 times a week prior to the vaccine). There seemed to be no signs of improvement for 3 continuous months, until I saw a chinese herbalist (out of desperation) who managed to aleviate the symptoms by about 75%. I still cannot exercise properly (running/pushups etc), but I have improved - though showing no signs currently of getting that extra 25% back. My question relates to trying to gain clarity on what happened to my body.
People often describe the severity of their reponse to the vaccine - "i had 2 days of fever and was bascically fine afterwards", "didnt feel a thing", "had a few aches but they went away" etc etc. My symptoms were that I had a fever over the first 2 days, during which time my scalp turned bright red, then proceeded to peel over the following week - all relatively 'normal' reponses. After these first few days of fever I felt fine, going about stuff as normal, despite a few low-grade aches and pains. Then just over a week after taking the jab I was out walking around town with a friend and had to sit down (i'd been walking for about 2 hours - relatively normal for me up till then). I took the train home and was in bed for a 2 days, after which I realised I was unable to walk even to take the bins out without getting exhausted (a form of P.E.M totally different from what I had expereince before). I also had developed brain fog, which I had never experienced before, and body aches. These symptoms were not my usual M.E symptoms, although they sound similar when writing them down. They seemed to be operating parallel/seperate to my usual, and main, M.E constitution, which I could descibe as the main operating system for me (as an aside, do people here ever get ill from a flu/cold, and the illness feels like it's happening to an organism seperate from your main M.E infected organism? - like the illness is being run in a sandbox, to use computing terminology? - I do).
To cut a long question short, I seemed to have had 2 responses; one was my immediate reponse (2 days of fever, rash on head, skin peeling), the second kicked in a week later, lasted for 3 months, and is characterised by hyper-sensitive PEM, a recurring ache at the site of the vaccine jab as well as occasional body aches. These symptoms have been reduced by about 75% through some chinese herbs, but still persist (the herbs seemed to have calmed my body down).
Can anyone here tell me what they understand might be the reason behind these long-term effects of taking the vaccine? Why was/is my body struggling so much? Is this a warning sign that my body cannot cope with this particular vaccine (seems so)? Is it an allergy, my immune system going haywire, something else?
Any ideas or thoughts on this issue would be hugely appreciated at this moment when im wondering whether to get the second dose and risk a potentially irreversable 25% lopped off my health chart.