I can only add what I said on another thread :
Until very recently, the Guardian newspaper was a Labour Party organ, reputed to have close links with the Wesselyites and the only national daily in the UK not to have published a story on the original WPI Science paper (it did of course publish stories on the European 'rebuttals'). It was also the paper that hosted the good old Dr Crippen blog.
It was the Labour party who commissioned the economist and Labour life peer Lord Layard to produce the report which set out the cost/benefits rationale underpinning the FINE/PACE trials.
It was a Labour minister who approved DWP funding for the FINE/PACE trials (as the only clinical trial ever funded by DWP, the decision to do so must have been made at ministerial level, believe me).
It is the Labour party who have replaced Incapacity Benefit with the Employment Support Allowance (ESA) with the publicly stated intention of cutting the number of recipients. ME/CFS has been specifically targeted for attention. In doing so, they are now using a private sector firm to assess recipients for their ability to work with payment for results being based on declaring the patient fit for work and nothing else. The patients own GP's comments are now not considered relevant.
I'm not aware that the Conservatives (Tories) have said anything specifically on ME, I suspect not. However, during the present campaign, David Cameron has stated that the ESA system of bonus payments merely for declaring people fit for work is iniquitous and, if in power, the Conservatives would ensure that bonus payments are only made once ESA recipients are considered capable of working, placed in a job and able to sustain that employment. I'm sure many would agree that this is a much fairer system vis a vis those with fluctuating illnesses!
The rationale for voting for any particular party, with sole regard to the interests of us PWC's, is therefore not clear at all. From my perspective, if I was able to vote in the UK general election, the current Labour party is not the Labour party of old and I would ensure that my vote neither directly nor indirectly kept them in power.
.... and whoever end up in power will be skint.