@leela - How are you doing on your TA-1 shots? I feel like I'm in your same boat. I'm on a week now and thus far slightly more tired, but mostly I wake up in the middle of the night with swollen glands; feels as though I'm coming down with a cold. It is mostly gone by morning. Day #1 I had a crazy good amount of energy but that since ceased.
It's a complex question bc there's a whole array of other things I've been doing. It's hard to know what's what.
Before the TA1 I did S.O.T. for Borrelia. The person administering it said in their experience once the Bb levels are reduced, the immune system then starts to become aware of all the other ongoing opportunistic bugs. Hence, the tiredness and fluiness.
This can only have been exacerbated, imho, by then starting TA1, which also gives the beleaguered immune system a kick-start.
I also did over a year of Valgancyclovir (just before starting the TA1.) This (finally!) kicked the HHV6's arse, but the always-on EBV titers are still high. So there's another possible instance of immune system plate-spinning. As soon as I stopped the Valcyte, I began to have symptoms I specifically associate with herpesfamily viruses: burning skin and spine, general skin hypersensitivity, sore throat--which had been blissfully gone during the course of Valgancyclovir. My thought is this could be from stopping Valgancyclovir, starting TA1, or both together.
I am also currently taking Amphotericin, so that is actively killing mold, yet another burden to the immune system.
All this to say, I suspect TA1 is contributing to the immune system being on overtime, and hopefully helping it. I am getting a noticeable boost in stamina from it still, but I have to be careful bc it doesn't touch the PEM or dysautonomia, so I can easily overdo and trash myself.
To conclude my overly long essay (sorry!) my doctor is adding two more peptides--Epitalon and Semax nasal--for neurological reboot, and asks me to continue TA1, as he thinks it will eventually hit the viruses.