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Thoughts on the Perrin Technique?


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
I talked to a medical intuitive yesterday, in relation to relatively new symptoms of increased cranial pressure. His take: lymph flowing back into the head, creating pressure and toxicity. I swear--- I didn't say anything about Perrin to him!

Sometimes you get the message from every direction. I guess I am going to contact Dr. Tam!

@Jyoti - what can I say - wow! :wide-eyed:

Do contact Dr. Tam. I saw my local osteopath today and he called Dr. Tam at her direction. She talked with us for close to 30 minutes about the Perrin Technique. It was great. I think I said above that she's also willing to talk to the lymphatic therapist I'll be seeing in July. She also told my doctor to call her any time, and she means it.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@Guwop2 - I just realized I didn't really address your questions about whether toxins can be removed through lymphatic drainage and instead just wrote about toxins in general above. Someone else recently appeared to question whether toxins really were a problem for people and I think that's where I was coming from.

I agree with you - I think there may be some dispute about whether lymphatic drainage actually removes toxins though I would guess that this is not being studied either. I believe most research money is spent on developing drugs -


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I just realized I didn't really address your questions about whether toxins can be removed through lymphatic drainage
Hi @Mary -- Just wanted to take a moment and thank you for all the great information (and energy) you've shared on this thread. Very helpful, and has me looking forward to contacting Dr. Tam. Fortunately for me, I'm now living in the Twin Cities area, and can easily see her locally.

Regarding toxins and detoxification (and head pressure -- @Jyoti): I've felt for a long time a need to put a strong emphasis on detoxification, as I always seemed to be "behind curve" in that department. Signs for me included physical and mental sluggishness, headaches (daily), body aches and pains, vertigo, and more. A major symptom was head pressure.

I eventually discovered that coffee enemas provided me with consistent and dependable relief from all these symptoms. Over the years I've added various detoxification substances to the coffee solution to make them even more effective, things like NAC, Vit. C, charcoal, bentonite clay, and many more.

I thought I'd mention this in this thread, so that if anybody undertakes the Perrin therapy and begins to experience very unpleasant detoxification episodes, I think there's a good chance coffee enemas could be very helpful.

I think saunas could also be effective. PEMF, HBOT, ozone, and other therapies would also likely be helpful. Those are all a lot more complicated and expensive compared to coffee enemas. Some of the instructions you find online for coffee enemas always struck me as being overly complex. Once you learn how to do them, they're pretty simple to do.

Besides alleviating symptoms of toxicity, they also provide (for me) a few hours of extra energy and mental clarity. Priceless when dealing with ME/CFS.

Edit to Add: -- It wasn't until reading this thread that I began to suspect that part (or perhaps all) of my toxic overload might be due to a reverse flow of the lymphatic drainage in my head area. I'm looking forward to seeing if this is indeed the case. Who better to begin this journey with than Dr. Tam!
I did look at her but she was the most expensive out of all that I contacted, morethan twice as much as some (and I spoke to 4 therapists). Perhaps the higher price means shes very good, although all have been trained by Dr Perrin himself so theres an equal footing with regards to that training at least. The one I liked best from the consulation chat happened to be the cheapest, perhaps because the treatment centre wasnt in central london.
They may have all been originally trained by Dr Perrin but that doesn't make them equal. For example they have been practicing for different lengths of time so have different levels of experience and I've found that some of them are just better at their job than others. Also some of them like Rakhee have done extra trainings so incorporate different techniques into what they offer and are more experienced with the cranial sacral aspect (the head part). This explains why I don't improve with some of them but with others it has been life changing!

So don't be afraid to switch if you don't notice any progress after a while. FYI Rakhee has some other practitioners working at her clinic who she has trained and passed on her skills to. They are much cheaper than she is! I'm saying this because I wasted so much money and time with other practitioners and I wish I had just gone with her practice in the first place (I know others who have tried multiple Perrin practitioners in and around London who say the same)


Senior Member
They may have all been originally trained by Dr Perrin but that doesn't make them equal. For example they have been practicing for different lengths of time so have different levels of experience and I've found that some of them are just better at their job than others. Also some of them like Rakhee have done extra trainings so incorporate different techniques into what they offer and are more experienced with the cranial sacral aspect (the head part). This explains why I don't improve with some of them but with others it has been life changing!

So don't be afraid to switch if you don't notice any progress after a while. FYI Rakhee has some other practitioners working at her clinic who she has trained and passed on her skills to. They are much cheaper than she is! I'm saying this because I wasted so much money and time with other practitioners and I wish I had just gone with her practice in the first place (I know others who have tried multiple Perrin practitioners in and around London who say the same)

I have heard good things about Rakhee on the Facebook group.


Senior Member
So don't be afraid to switch if you don't notice any progress after a while. FYI Rakhee has some other practitioners working at her clinic who she has trained and passed on her skills to. They are much cheaper than she is! I'm saying this because I wasted so much money and time with other practitioners and I wish I had just gone with her practice in the first place (I know others who have tried multiple Perrin practitioners in and around London who say the same)
Yes, ive got the info on the other practitioners at her centre. Just curious, since it appears you are based in/around London that you may have tried other practitioners whom I have been looking at, but that you have rejected. No need to mention names, but perhaps the treatment centre and I can infer form that if their pracitioner was not so great? Ive consulted with phoenixosteopathy in Wandsworth (v near to me), the practioner their I got positive vibes from..though perhaps youve seen them and felt it was a waste of money? Also conulted at Kennington oestopaths...do these practices sound familiar?
I have moved around a lot and the ones who I felt were a waste of money were none of the ones you mentioned, they are located either in the counties of Staffordshire, Lancashire, West Midlands. There are quite a few practitioners in each of these counties so this doesn't identify them by name. Then I have seen some who I have found good / average who are located in Lancashire, Hertfordshire / Buckinghamshire, West Midlands and North Wales. Then I would say Rakhee is the best IMO and was amazing. My ranking of them is based on how much improvement / progress I made with each of them and how much better I felt after their individual treatments.

I looked up the ones you mentioned and I haven't heard of either of them. If you haven't already, it might be a good idea to ask how long they have been using the Perrin technique to treat people! And definitely see how you get on in terms of if you start improving and feeling better!
I replied to this thread earlier saying I was about to go to Bordeaux to see France's only Perrin specialist, Dr Vincent Staf.

He examined me last month. Despite having already had 9 osteopathic sessions this year, he said my spine remained very rigid and that I had 'five blocks' in the thoracic region causing rigidity (just as per Perrin's observations). Dr. Staf said it was no wonder I suffered from ME, given my spine. He wanted me to do an X-Ray before manipulating the thoracic region to make sure he wouldn't do any damage.

I'm seeing him again next week. Unfortunately, his availability is very limited and I won't be able to see him again until September. So I'll crack on with another osteopath in the meantime to try and make further progress.

I really think there is something to this. It's one part of a very large, complex picture, but an important one.