Here's the latest attempt by the National ME/FM Action Network to bring attention to the dismal prospects for Canadians with ME/CFS and FM -- a letter sent to the Acting President of the Canadian Institute of Health Research. The letter to Prime Minister Trudeau referred to is posted on page 3 of this thread.
It appears this letter was composed before Lydia was aware that no portion of her interview would be included in yesterday's segment of The Current. Or, perhaps the more hopeful interpretation is that it might be aired at a later date.
"Tuesday, April 25, 2017
LETTER to Dr. Roderick McInnes, Acting President, CIHR
Dear Dr. McInnes:
Dr. McInnes, our Network has followed your appointment as Acting President enthusiastically as the changes you have made in such a short measure of time will no doubt improve the quality and effectiveness of CIHR. We applaud you for your diligence.
On Thursday, April 6, 2017 the National ME/FM Action Network (Network) sent a letter to the Prime Minister, a copy of which is attached, for your information. In this letter, we advised Mr. Trudeau what it would be like if he came down with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia (ME/CFS or FM) and what dismal prospects he would face in Canada to get diagnosed and treated. As of this date, we have not received a reply nor an acknowledgement.
CBC Radio contacted our Network requesting an interview with the writer and a taped interview was done on April 21, 2017. Among the questions asked by CBC Radio was whether we had heard from the Prime Minister’s office. Unfortunately, our response was in the negative. However, to be fair, we pointed out that he might not as yet be aware of our letter (the letter was emailed and sent by Canada Post).
This program will shortly be aired and once a date has been fixed for its airing, we will advise you. In the meantime, as Acting President of CIHR, you have an important role in research and we are therefore requesting you look into this matter so that we will be able to give a proper follow-up response to the media.
The National ME/FM Action Network respectfully request your urgent attention to this matter.
Lydia E. Neilson, MSM
CEO, Founder"