Yesterday, the National ME/FM Action Network faxed, emailed, and sent a letter to the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. The entire letter can be read here:
Here are a few excerpts:
"Imagine coming to work one day and catching a nasty virus that goes on for days, then weeks and then months. . . . You feel abandoned by the health system, by the social system, and even by family and friends."
"That is the fate of many Canadians with Myalgic Encephalomyelits, often called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and/or Fibromyalgia (FM). Many have been ill for over 30 years. Many were ill as children or teenagers and never had a normal childhood. Imagine how you would feel if this happened to your child."
"The sad part of this story is that information has been available for physicians to diagnose and treat ME/CFS and FM since 2003. Our organization, the National ME/FM Action Network, a Canadian registered charity, worked with Health Canada and 24 experienced and renowned ME/CFS and FM experts chosen by their peers, from Canada and around the world to develop diagnostic and treatment protocols. The protocols have sparked international interest. Overviews have been translated into English, French, Spanish and Italian, with the ME/CFS overview available in German and Dutch as well. I received the Meritorious Service Award from the Canadian Governor General for my role in their development."
"The problem is that the protocols have not been endorsed or publicized here in Canada. The only dissemination is what our Network could afford to send out. The Canadian government has made no effort to educate government departments dealing with health issues and has shown no leadership in encouraging their use or their inclusion in medical education. In fact, the Canadian government has been ambiguous whether it even thinks that ME/CFS and FM are real and serious."
"Research funding is desperately needed. While we have an open dialogue with CIHR, funding is still abysmal. Canada is way behind other countries in the race to understand ME/CFS and FM, to find biomarkers, and to find effective treatments. Canada is not even in a position to follow developments in other countries and bring that knowledge to patients.
We need dialogue with the Minister of Health on research and other issues but that dialogue is not happening. We are also encountering difficulties opening dialogue around disability issues."
"Canadians with ME/CFS and FM are getting a raw deal that needs to be corrected. Mr. Trudeau, . . . "
Lydia E. Neilson, MSM
CEO, Founder
I concur with Lydia's bolded statement. Despite requesting one, I have not received an acknowledgement or response from Health Minister Jane Philpott to my letter -- both faxed, and "snail mailed", almost a month ago. Perhaps it's time for me, also, to request direct action from Mr. Trudeau -- "because it's 2017!"