They found something growing in the lungs


Senior Member
@HABS93, not sure if this would be a comfort to you but I did a search for CT false alarms for someone I know and found this article: Lung CT Scans Produce False Alarms.

Edit: Here's another one: What Are False-Positive Test Results, and What Causes Them?

Hoping yours is a false alarm. Still good to get it checked though.
I'm still trying to figure out how something like this goes undected. I never leave looked at my lungs before so I guess that's it . My last doctor got.mad at me saying if you don't move on from your head you will feel fatigued for the rest of your life.


Senior Member
My last doctor got.mad at me saying if you don't move on from your head you will feel fatigued for the rest of your life.

Wow, don't you just love the nurturing, healing approach? Using threats is so effective, not to mention deeply compassionate. What is the matter with these people? (I think most of them feel so powerless and have not done their own inner work which might allow them to be both honest about their own limitations and ours, but ....dream on.)

I hope you didn't pay him/her much mind.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Oh, HABS, that's devastating, unnerving news, but as a friend of mine used to say, " ...wait to worry...". I agree with @Shoshana and @Oliver3 and @Judee..... it could be any number of other things, all equally treatable.

And you're right .... you're young and tough and whatever it is, you'll beat it, and we'll be here for you.

I'm so sorry, HABS, for this additional nasty stressor. Hang in, ad keep in mind that Drs are wrong more often than they're right !!!


Senior Member
I started to believe it was all in my head for months. But what got me out of it was why do I feel as if I'm actually sick ? I'm not the type of person that listens to the voice in my head. The voice in my head only talked about being successful . Partying was just because I was young living in Toronto. I went and got another doctor who is highly touted in my citym He had a completely different attitude and is the one who caught what's going on. I don't care if it's cancer or whatever. Long as it's the reason I've been feeling like this for last year then I'm okay because I'll beat it


Senior Member
So glad you said he is your last doctor. The only thing you needed to move on from is his medical malpractice.
The amount of medical knowledgeable out there is overwhelming. One year ago I knew I smoked weed to cure my headaches . And apples are good for you. This doctor though if he can't solve something even though he has 8 years of knowledge skips to anxiety. He also misdiagnosed my dad's ribs when he fractured them not broke them.


Northern USA
Northern USA
I don't care if it's cancer or whatever. Long as it's the reason I've been feeling like this for last year then I'm okay because I'll beat it

I have been thinking of something very similar, about you, for the past 24 hours.
That I hope that they do find something specific and treatable, so that you can then take the treatment, and then get actually well!
That is my vision and my hope for you, @HABS93

There must be some doctors who are good at diagnosing, but there sure are many who are not.

But again, There might be a path for you to recover, and get WELL<
and we are rooting for that, HABS.


Moose Enthusiast
It's lymphoma :/
Oh my. I'm so sorry to hear that you have to deal with cancer. I wonder if that has been the cause of your fatigue?

I'm glad that you're in a big city with good hospitals that can treat you and kick this cancer's you-know-what. Doctors may suck at treating CFS, but when it comes to treating lymphoma they're pros. Hopefully they'll start treating you quickly

I will keep you in my thoughts. We're all on your team!


Senior Member
Thanks for all the wishes everyone. It really helps knowing about this community! I have to get a biopsy then figure out the treatment after.
They did say fatigue is a symptom so I'm like that's what I want to here. Now time to kick some lymphoma butt !