Hmmm so blood test won't give an accurate potassium levels?
possible the blood test may not give accurate results. I think that was true in my case. For some years (I can't remember how long, much of my life with this illness is a blur!), I would get episodes of bad fatigue, lethargy, hard to describe, but it was different than PEM, it wasn't in response to exertion or anything that I could figure out. So l lived with. It usually lasted a couple of days, and then would get back to "normal" ME/CFS misery. When I started taking folate in 2010, it gave me an immediate boost in energy, followed a day or 2 later by severe fatigue - the same fatigue that had been hitting me before. It was low potassium, a form of refeeding syndrome which occurred as a result of taking the folate. My cells started dividing more rapidly and doing what they were supposed to do, which required more potassium, which induced a potassium deficiency. Thanks to Freddd's posts, I knew it was very likely my potassium would tank after starting the folate. What I didn't know was that it was the same awful symptom I'd been experiencing for quite awhile. On blood work, however, my potassium was always in the normal range. So I started taking potassium in 2010, titrated up to about 1000 mg. a day and have taken it ever since (in divided doses), and I no longer get that awful unexplained fatigue. I still get PEM of course though.
So I just wanted you to be aware that your potassium might be low, even if your blood work is fine. I just don't know. It might be fine, but I think it's certainly worth investigating given your symptoms, and the fact that prednisone can cause you to excrete potassium.
The reason I suggested low-sodium V8 is that it is higher in potassium than regular V8, so it might be more effective if you do have low potassium. In any event, it's a safe easy way to see if this might be part of your problem. But again, I would try 3 or 4 glasses - I think that would be enough to get results, if low potassium is part of the problem.
Good luck
@HABS93! I hope you get some answers and relief soon, and I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!