The Undetectable Infection


Senior Member
@Elph68 are you still totally symptom free? Still need to take treatment?

I read there is a new medication being developed that is selective for staph
Pretty much .... I get up at 5am .... gym for an hour ..... work until 9pm a lot of days in our takeaway shop ...... I have not stopped my supplements however ..... although I do have gaps in my asking them ...... I don’t have the same stamina, but I am 50 this year so I imagine age is catching up with me now ......


Senior Member
@MeSci thanks

it seems no one has officially followed up on this? any reports of cfsers trying the treatment?

if i could get it id definately try it

wonder if any of the people currently looking into cfs are aware of this? seems like a reletively easy thing to try and test out. wonder if Dr. Davis has thought about it
Hey @knackers323, I will come back to this ......

The answer has been around for a long time ...... some of it is arrogance, some of it has a lot to do with drug companies ....... the rest is just misinformation and propaganda ........ but it is all about money!!!

If the cure is phage therapy and fmt ...... how do drug companies make money out of that???

Phages live all around us in the waterways ....... you can literally get feces from your next door neighbour ..... go and have a mud bath ...... climb a tree ..... pick up other bacteria to add biodiversity and compete with the bad guys ......
Elphh68, would you be open to discussing your prostatitis experience in China over some online medium (email, skype). I believe my CP is connected to my CF, but no one in states can diagnose a bacteria.
For starters I will post some questions here:
1) Were they able to get rid of your Ureaplasma infection? I know these bacteria can live within our cells, making them hard to cure when in latent state. You stated your urethritis returned after China, but in later posts stated a Urologist said your prostate was perfect. Was China effective?
2) Any side effects?
3) Which doctor performed your injections?


Senior Member
Elphh68, would you be open to discussing your prostatitis experience in China over some online medium (email, skype). I believe my CP is connected to my CF, but no one in states can diagnose a bacteria.
Hi @dom_hend123 sorry for the delay, but I sure would ..... pm me and we can sort out how to catch up .....


Senior Member
For starters I will post some questions here:
1) Were they able to get rid of your Ureaplasma infection? I know these bacteria can live within our cells, making them hard to cure when in latent state. You stated your urethritis returned after China, but in later posts stated a Urologist said your prostate was perfect. Was China effective?
2) Any side effects?
3) Which doctor performed your injections?
Maybe we need to start another post on this specifically ..... but I will state that the cause of your CP is probably the cause of your CFS ..... your immune system is fighting a bacteria that it can’t see, nor can it beat ...... CP is more like an allergy than an infection ..... hence the inability of pathologists to determine its source ..... which I believe is the same for CFS .....
i wonder if its nothing more than bacteria migrating up into the small intestine where no bacteria is supposed to be. The entry from the large intestine (colon) up to the small intestine would be stopped by the eliocecal valve which i know for sure , mine is not working. Dr. Sarah Myhill says in one of her youtube videos, that vit. c will kill any bacteria in the small intestine. When i take vit c. my flu like symptoms get worse.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Well it might be an idea not to take it.

That sounds reasonable. But on the other hand, it might be an equally valid idea to take even more Vit. C. If a certain amount of Vit. C causes flu-like symptoms, then maybe it's killing bacteria. Which makes me think that larger doses might just get the upper hand over the intestinal bacteria.​
here is something to wrap our heads around...gulf war me it seems all have the same symptoms....symptoms are very different for every person....i find it intrigueing that the gulf war illness soilders got a bunch of vaccines while in the gulf or just before. all of us , they had a trigger (oil wells burning, stress) that sent their immune system into over ride. To me , its all the same starting to point my finger at vaccines. Hell...ive had early symptoms since childhood...i could not figure out why i just stared at the chalkboard in grade 9 and could not grasp what they were teaching me...i failed and dropped out. ...then many yrs. later as things were getting worse inside my body, and pleading with docs to help me, i had a chemical overexposure that finished me off or shall i say started the real war in my body. Why is it that "they" will not do studies on vaccinated people vs non vaccinated people to see if any of the non vaccinated people have this illness.
@Elph68, I dont have ability to start a convo. Please send me a PM and we can start. Or you can reach me at dom_hendricks at yahoo dot com
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Senior Member
here is something to wrap our heads around...gulf war me it seems all have the same symptoms....symptoms are very different for every person....i find it intrigueing that the gulf war illness soilders got a bunch of vaccines while in the gulf or just before. all of us , they had a trigger (oil wells burning, stress) that sent their immune system into over ride. To me , its all the same starting to point my finger at vaccines. Hell...ive had early symptoms since childhood...i could not figure out why i just stared at the chalkboard in grade 9 and could not grasp what they were teaching me...i failed and dropped out. ...then many yrs. later as things were getting worse inside my body, and pleading with docs to help me, i had a chemical overexposure that finished me off or shall i say started the real war in my body. Why is it that "they" will not do studies on vaccinated people vs non vaccinated people to see if any of the non vaccinated people have this illness.

Hey @roonie here is an article written by one of the researchers/developers of supplements that I take here in Australia:

It refers to the HLA DQ2/8 gene and how it is dormant in most people and is ‘turned on’ by external stress/infection/vaccine resulting in food intolerances and immune system hypersensitivity/dysfunction ..... not sure how scientifically correct it is, an interesting theory though ...... and could explain a subgroup of CFS sufferers.

I believe a similar condition happens with polysaccharides ...... particularly Staphlyococcus PIA ...... the theory put forward in this thread and it is undetectable by current laboratory practices .......

Vaccines by design activate the immune system ..... but so does an infection .......


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I'm starting to point my finger at vaccines. Hell...ive had early symptoms since childhood... Why is it that "they" will not do studies on vaccinated people vs non vaccinated people to see if any of the non vaccinated people have this illness.

I'm convinced vaccinations are big health factors, not only for people with ME/CFS, but the population in general. I went to a public discussion on vaccinations here in a progressive city that has lower vaccination rates than normal. There were two separate day care center workers who described how easy it is to spot the big differences between unvaccinated children and those who received normal vaccinations. In short, the unvaccinated children were calmer, behaved better, were more patient, had greater focus, etc.

Why don't they do studies? That's a simple one... they absolutely do not want to know about any kind of potential adverse effects. And the reason they don't want to know is equally simple: $$$
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they have to be hiding something all these yrs. ...seems when vaccinations are brought up they dodge it anyway they can. All these made up names for this...chronic fatigue syndrome..really ! what a joke...then yrs. earlier...yuppie flu....gulf war illness. Why do they keep changing the name of this...for reasons we finally fool the next generation so the new ill people that are so devistated have no idea that this has been going on and on and on for many decades. The war vets that have " Gulf War Illness"...have yet to have ANY answers to this day!! Yup Wayne...all in the name of $$$$$$$$$$$


Senior Member
South east England
A while back I came across some research from the mid 60s. Medical researchers were using animals for studying anapalaptic shock. To do this they had to induce it. They used the old type of whooping cough vaccine to provoke the reaction. This may be significant. Maybe not. I doubt that the cause of GWS will ever be found as the troops were exposed to many different possible causes. Anti malaria drugs, pesticides,vaccines and so on.


Senior Member
they have to be hiding something all these yrs. ...seems when vaccinations are brought up they dodge it anyway they can. All these made up names for this...chronic fatigue syndrome..really ! what a joke...then yrs. earlier...yuppie flu....gulf war illness. Why do they keep changing the name of this...for reasons we finally fool the next generation so the new ill people that are so devistated have no idea that this has been going on and on and on for many decades. The war vets that have " Gulf War Illness"...have yet to have ANY answers to this day!! Yup Wayne...all in the name of $$$$$$$$$$$

Well you said it yourself in your post. CFS has existed for a long time and seems to be triggered by things like war, which has nothing to do with vaccinations.

If we look at the global vaccination rate, there was a big increase during the 1980's from about 20% of world population being vaccinated to around 70% in 1990. But meanwhile we have reports of CFS epidemics from as early as 1930, and in fact during the last three decades we have almost no reported epidemics. So based on this data alone it looks like there isn't any correlation with vaccination rate and incidence of CFS.

well...these people got cfs from hpv vaccine shortly after being administered. His english isnt very good but his treatment seems to have helped a I recall my immunologist saying that "they" knew this had something to do with the head region...that was many many yrs ago. Dr. John Gerrard was a leader on many fronts. One of the greatest docs ive ever met and right in my own fortunate i was to be his patient.I recall even as a child i would go to the swimming pool and the chlorine would really aggrivate that region of my head...i honestly think ive had this all my life and thats why i think childhood vaccines may be to blame. Many of us have had early symptoms well before a chemical exposure tipped us over the edge. There is another subset of cfc ers that did not have long lingering effects before their "trigger". The lesson to be learned here might be to never inject anything into the human body that is foreign
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Senior Member
Hey @roonie here is an article written by one of the researchers/developers of supplements that I take here in Australia:

It refers to the HLA DQ2/8 gene and how it is dormant in most people and is ‘turned on’ by external stress/infection/vaccine resulting in food intolerances and immune system hypersensitivity/dysfunction ..... not sure how scientifically correct it is, an interesting theory though ...... and could explain a subgroup of CFS sufferers.

I believe a similar condition happens with polysaccharides ...... particularly Staphlyococcus PIA ...... the theory put forward in this thread and it is undetectable by current laboratory practices .......

Vaccines by design activate the immune system ..... but so does an infection .......

@Elph88, can you tell me about how it is going with taking the Biohawk ginger enzyme product? I have severe food sensitivity issues and viruses.

Thank you