The Undetectable Infection


Senior Member
Well I have just put together the final piece of the puzzle ..... I am currently in China and I have had some very private tests done. Searched for everything, including viruses .......

Ureaplasma is the underlying infection in my case. It is difficult to detect, and is rarely looked for.

I am now receiving 7 weeks of treatment which includes over 80 direct injections into my prostate, oral antibiotics and IV antibiotics to clear the infection out of my joints, muscles and lymphatic system.

The Chinese doctor says ureaplasma/mycoplasma causes inflammation resulting in autoimmunity and eventually .... immune system dysfunction ......

Already the treatment has cleared my eczema and other painful skin conditions, removed the muscle pain and the joint pain is significantly reduced. I feel the autoimmunity is reducing ....... My thyroid doesn't feel like it is choking me anymore ......

They are also treating my partner ..... So I don't re-infect ....

Treating the strep, removed a huge amount of my symptoms, adding in probiotics, improved me further, taking the ureaplasma out of my system should return me to 100% ........ So why do the Chinese know about this and we don't?

Kill the bugs ..... Add in probiotics ..... I believe I have found the answer to the undetectable infection ......


Senior Member
This is interesting. I also see ureaplasma is related to mycoplasma, and I had slightly high titer for mycoplasma pneumonia.


Senior Member

Would you mind sharing what antibiotics, and the protocol?
Hi Inester,

I just need to say that I did not come here for my CFS .... As I have previously mentioned my prostate has been a problem and I believed was the key for my diagnosis .... So I have come to the 3D prostate clinic in Changsha .... And this is the best decision I have ever made.

As part of the Chinese approach to whole of body healing, the testing was extensive and whole of body ..... And this infection was buried deep in my prostate. He also said it lives in other areas causing inflammation, calcification and auto-immunity .... It is causing the dry eyes, burning nasal passages and mouth/throat. He said oral antibiotics not strong enough and will most likely return due to the fact it hides in small pockets and then spreads during times of stress .....

Currently I am having 2 needles a day directly into the prostate via the perrineam they contain levofloxican, azithromycin and Cephelosporin (a form of penicillin), as well as decalcifying agents. I am also on oral doxycycline in order to lower the systemic bacterial levels before I start IV next week. The doctor said I will have 7 days IV of the levofloxican and azithromycin. I am also receiving 2 very large syringes of herbal antibiotics up the rectum. I have no idea what it is, he just says it is Chinese herbs that are very strong .......

I now know for a fact that bacteria cause auto-immunity and it can be turned off .....

I have been plagued with eczema and horrible bleeding sores on my head and neck .... For the first time in over 3 years of struggling with this, they have been completely cleared ..... Without treating them directly ....

This doctor does not use single antibiotics, he said bacteria easily build resistance to single antibiotics so he always uses at least 2 in combination. i have said we need to use combinations on so many occasions in this thread.

Hopefully this guy knows what he is doing ..... I am impressed so far.
Hello Elph ,
Can you tell us for how long you will get the treatment , and you have to stay in China during the treatment or you can go and come back ? Is 3D SCAN for whole Body And what the name of scan ?
Also any blood test can be benefit for this ?
Do you have idea if USA clinics can do the same treatment,
Or you can check with your doctor if he or she can do Skype consultations?
Waiting for your urgent reply !
Thank you and wish to you good luck with your treatment.


Senior Member
Hello Elph ,
Can you tell us for how long you will get the treatment , and you have to stay in China during the treatment or you can go and come back ? Is 3D SCAN for whole Body And what the name of scan ?
Also any blood test can be benefit for this ?
Do you have idea if USA clinics can do the same treatment,
Or you can check with your doctor if he or she can do Skype consultations?
Waiting for your urgent reply !
Thank you and wish to you good luck with your treatment.

I am in China for 45 days ..... There is nowhere in the world that offers this treatment ....,this is a small clinic, they do all their own specialised testing in house and they don't share their intellectual property ..... And they are urologists .... The clinic is called 3D prostate clinic ....

I am an Aussie, so I can't answer anything about USA doctors or clinics.
Did you start your treatment ?
If yes did you feel any improvement?
How about the treatment cost ?
If you can share your main symptoms?
Thank you


Senior Member
Hi @Elph68 have you heard anything about treatment of cfs in china? Or the condition that was/is apparently known as hiv negative aids or something similar.

I heard that there have been big numbers of some unexplained illness over there that is being suppressed by the government.


Senior Member
Hi @Elph68 have you heard anything about treatment of cfs in china? Or the condition that was/is apparently known as hiv negative aids or something similar.

I heard that there have been big numbers of some unexplained illness over there that is being suppressed by the government.

Probably ME. Just think if the US has 2 million cases...China probably has millions upon millions....

In the past the Chinese government has been known to cover up things like for example the amount of harvestable marine fish species...


Senior Member
I want to put something on the table for those with geographic tongue ..... I now believe it is a ureaplasma/mycoplasma infection of the tongue ..... And I reckon this is something that this forum can prove/disprove.

Ureaplasma in particular does 2 things, inhibits catalase production in cells and produces hydrogen peroxide/super oxides which result in ROS .....

I know the red burning patches on my tongue are catalase negative as I have dripped hydrogen peroxide on those patches .... There is a video posted in this thread showing the same .....

So what I believe happens is the ureaplasma clears the area of all bacteria that produce catalase only allowing other hydrogen peroxide producing bacteria to inhabit the area and as the cells on the tongue can't break down the hydrogen peroxide, the area becomes inflamed ......

This allows bacteria like strep to flourish as they also produce hydrogen peroxide ..... So the underlying infection causing strep to be a problem could be ureaplasma/mycoplasma .....

I wonder if ureaplasma can inhabit the gut?

So if anybody who has geographic tongue can get a swab done of the red patches and specifically ask for ureaplasma urealyticum or mycoplasma hominis ..... We may or may not solve a basic medical mystery ....

Please post or PM me if anybody can confirm/deny this theory by testing .....


Senior Member
Hi @Elph68 have you heard anything about treatment of cfs in china? Or the condition that was/is apparently known as hiv negative aids or something similar.

I heard that there have been big numbers of some unexplained illness over there that is being suppressed by the government.
Can't comment directly on your question but all as I can say is that the Chinese people are consuming huge amounts of sugar ..... Everything I could see was loaded with empty carbs ..... Asia is struggling with streptococcus and worldwide there is a lot of research interest (according to my infectious disease specialist) into strep.

All the western conditions such as diabetes, heart disease etc. are becoming rampant in China.

So I suppose ME can be also .....
Elph68 . Just wondering how you went in china with your treatment .Now that your talking about problems with your tongue


Senior Member
Elph68 . Just wondering how you went in china with your treatment .Now that your talking about problems with your tongue
Hi Tommy,

they were able to get the infection out of the urogenital system .... The IV didn't work for the systemic infection as he said the strain seems to be resistant to all the usual abx. my tongue cleared, then came back after the IV finished.

So I am back in Australia and back to my infectious disease specialist so I can now hunt this down to see how far and wide the infection has spread through the system and what antibiotics are left that can treat it ....

The reason it was cleared because he was injecting high doses directly into the affected area, and filled my urethra with abx via a catheter, so everything was killed ..... He was using 500mg of azithromicin and 300mg of levofloxican injected directly into the infection and deposited directly into the urethra .... the bacteria got a 'Hot Shot' and I could feel it working immediately .....

In saying that, other symptoms have gone and have not returned, so I have actually further improved ..... but I now know what it is my body has been fighting and causing my grief, including the strep imbalance in my microflora ....

I am really happy with the results ..... and I am at 90 to 95% cured ..... just very mild symptoms now, and it seems my immune system is working better now that it is fighting a smaller infection ....

Something that I found out about this infection, ureaplasma produces a ferritin protein ..... one of the problems I have had personally is my ferritin levels have been through the roof .... I have read others on this forum have had the same problem ....... this may be an explanation as to the reason why .......


Senior Member
Just an update, and another bombshell .....

I have come back home after treatment and things aren't quite there yet, I still have urethritis, sore eyes, mouth and the other fatigue symptoms have hit me like a ton of bricks this week ....

There were 3 bugs he found in my prostate, ureaplasma, staph aureus and staph epidermidis. This particular bacteria is classed as 'normal flora' so he did not consider it a problem, but because there was staph aureus, he treated that also ..... Hence prostatitis dealt with .....

Now, I am sick of hearing 'normal flora' with every test ..... My other symptoms are worse now ..... So I have been hunting down everything on this staph eperdidimis ...... I know believe that this is one of THE problems .....

This bug is the most common on everybody's skin and it is pretty much harmless ..... But when it is in the mucousa, it's properties change ...... In the prostate, it calcifies and causes infection ...... It produces a slime that helps it attach onto the skin but this slime also stops the immune system from killing it, but it also produces toxins which activate the immune system. When it is able to interact directly with the immune system, such as in the mucousa the immune system is stimulated ..... Once it gets past the epithelial layer the immune system sees it as a foreign body, the immune system launches a generic attack but the immune system doesn't know what it is and can't kill it, so there are no antibodies made ......

The other thing is it can't be killed by doxycycline, macrolides (azithromycin, erythromycin etc.) or quinolines (ciprofloxican etc.) and beta lactamase antibiotics ..... They just slow it down ...... So here is everybody with CFS using these abx. Getting some temporary relief and then having a re-occurance a short time later and a lot of the time, it comes back worse, because the abx. Have killed off other flora allowing space for this to move in .... I believe that is what has happened to me now .......

I now believe that this along with strep parasanguinis are the ring leaders and is the reason why my microflora got out of balance resulting in CFS symptoms.

This bacteria is known to cause chronic low grade infection ...... Particularly in those whonare immunosuppressed like me with diabetes ..... Also a possible explanation why CFS shows up after some kind of illness, allowing this to flourish and take a hold while the immune system is recovering .....

Those who have chronic/recurrent conjunctivitis ..... This is the likely culprit ...... I believe things like burning mouth syndrome, urogenital problems that can't be found relate to this ..... So these staph, and strep species that are able to avoid the immune system but elicit an immune response that can't be beaten are the undetectable infection .....

Cheers .....


Senior Member
Through this thread I have stated that multiple abx. Taken together is the key to curing this.

I believe Linezolid, daptomycin, vancomycin are the only ones that will work on their own ..... But I would never start messing with these because these are the last line of defence antibiotics. Although I also think that oral vancomycin is a good choice for gut issues as it is not absorbed, so it doesn't mess with the rest of the body.

I believe taking azithromycin, ciprofloxican, and the like on their own is a BIG mistake. I believe that these are the cause for making the condition worse. Erythromycin and clarithromycin are marginally better, but it seems repeated doses of these will also make it worse.

I believe this is a biofilm problem, it involves lactic acid, extra cellular protease, catalase, hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen sulphide, coagulase-negative staphylococcus slime, simple sugars and protein. It seems some genetic deficiencies contribute to the problem. And if you are really lucky you have a multi antibiotic resistant strain of Staph Aureus like me .....

The other thing is, this is not just a gut problem .... It is a whole of mucosal problem ......

This is the undetectable infection ......
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Senior Member
New Mexico
I know now that my history of bouts with UTI's, cystitis (including interstitial) vaginosis, etc. are caused by strep. Antibiotics stopped working for me. What works for me now is LOTS of garlic (fresh) (this helps with biofilms). Goldenseal.......which I take 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. I rotate with oregano oil, mullein, lomatium and olive leaf. Tons of vit. C. Also the aromatic herbs like rosemary, thyme and sage.(I drink the teas). I notice if I eat too many grains...........I will get a flare of cystitis. I think grains are feeding the strep as well as dairy. I also include silver hydrosol at times.