Please excuse the repetition, but 20 years of advocacy makes it very clear that this is not an information campaign. It is a war against political will. We must completely change our thinking and our tactics and start attacking. We should be marching against Gill at the NIH meeting at 4 PM today.
I think this is a great time to approach Congress; it would be millions of dollars cheaper to treat us and get us back to work and out of the health care system. We have an incredibly strong financial case to use!
The web is only useful if we create ACTION. We are spending hours and hours talking among ourselves with lots of great ideas but no one healthy enough to carry them out. I wish someone could get Larry Kramer to lead us.
Agreed. We need action, Jackson!
Protests are good.
Raising money is good.
informing people can be good. Let me qualify how I want to inform. Waking up those, who aren't aware, the CDC is conspiring with the UK, drug companies, insurance companies, and news media to keep people sick. We have an epidemic, and nobody wants to fess up. People need to understand governments are not working in there best interest as hard as it is to understand. I bet the Egyptians would get it, but here in the UNited states everybody hasn't woken up yet completely.
I've personally have chosen to donate money, and try and raise money.
My personal action has been to contact Lance Armstrong, Jesse Ventura, Mark Zuckerburg, Robert F Kennedy Jr, Joanie Greggans of KGp Radio, Jenny Mccarthy, and few more I can't think of right now. I have also donated $150 to the WPI.
I think Bill gates is into population control, and have left him out of my campaign. Watch his interview with Charlie Rose, and listen to him talk about how infection reduces IQ, and how it is better for africa to have vaccinations becuase they have fewer kids. Fewer kids is better because they don;t have enough jobs and food for everybody.
Everybody needs to do what he or she can to do to move the ball foward. I can't travel to protest. So unless it is within a couple of hours, I am stuck on my couch. But I can donate, and contact influential and rich people, and can write letters and crazy sounding posts on the internet to try and wake up others to the tricks and tactics governments are up to to keep people sick as stupid as I look doing it.
Heck my crazy letters might even work a little! Dr Bell finally came out and admitted in writing that he had been waiting 25 years for the science to work itself out, but it never did. He took action and spoke up and asked for donations to the WPI.