hi all,
i don't crave salt as much as i know i need it and like the taste. i was bedridden almost all the time until i went on the Rowe protocol (Johns Hopkins protocol for neurally mediated hypotension). this was the protocol i did:
- salt (3 grams per day in pill form)
- water (3 liters pre day)
- florinef (don't recall the amount, but it was tiny)
- atenolol (25 mg twice per day)
all the above increased my BP (blood pressure) and i assume my blood volume, but i never checked that out (how do you test yr blood volume?). my BP had been too low for any human being to function. and i was "healed" for 2 months with the florinef, going to conferences in my field of work, etc. then i got horribly depressed on it. horrible! the second i went off florinef, i got un-depressed. i stayed on all the other things listed above, and i stayed out of being bedridden all the time but could not go to conferences or lead a normal life at all, but at least i was not bedridden 24/7. now i'm "only" bedridden some of the time (1/2 the time?).
some day i will try florinef again. in the meantime, when i went off florinef my doc put me on licorice root extract (a gummy liquid type of thing: i get it from Clark Pharmacy on the west coast somewhere) as a natural alternative to florinef. and with that (at 1/4 tsp per day), my blood pressure remained fine. in fact, i could alter my blood pressure according to how much salt i took. i took the salt tablets, the normal non-buffered tablets, and made sure to eat rice or pasta or bread with them, so the salt would not irritate my tummy and make me puke. it was easy. 2 tablets and 1 slice of bread. no worries.
and the water: 3 liters per day. period. no messing around with that.
then i went on Rich Van K's "simplified" methylation protocol and my blood pressure normalized (raised) all on its own, and i was able to get off the salt and 3 liters of water. so i stopped the salt, but stayed on the water at 2-3 liters per day just to keep my body hydrated and healthier (whatever "healthier" means). i also stopped the licorice root extract.
i am now off the methylation protocol -- because i crashed hard, after a wonderful year of no crashes.
so now that i'm off the methylation protocol, i wonder if my blood pressure will drop again. we'll see. i restarted the licorice root extract.
re: salt. i still think it is very healthy to eat it. so i eat the RealSalt brand and the Celtic sea salt brand. i just put a lot of it on my food, or some days i actually take 1/4 tsp of it (drop it in my mouth, swallow it with water like i would any other pill).
the atenolol: i still take it. been almost 18 yrs on it. if i go off it, my heart pounds too much. i'm on a lower dose now, since the methylation protocol. i now take 12.5 mg twice a day.
p.s. i have a huge bottle of salt tablets, the non-buffered kind. if anyone wants to buy it off me, please contact me via private messaging.