froufox - I've only been taking the Arabinex 5 days so far (at the recommended dose of about 2 tsp per day).
It does not seem to be stimulating the same processes the potato and green banana starches do. Was your negative reaction to it similar to what you've experienced recently?
Due to prompting from @
Ripley I am also trying "larch arabinogalactan". I am taking about 30 grams a day which is close to 3 Tablespoons with no other pre/pro biotics to try and rule out confounding variables. The studies that researched this used doses in that range, counter to what the recommended dose on the label of the bottle says.
I have only been on it a few days, but already I can tell it is having quite a different effect than Resistant Starch from Potato Starch or Plantain Flour. I know this is very subjective but mentally I feel clearer. It seems to have a very positive energizing brain effect where as in contrast RS has merely a gut energizing like effect. I feel like I have more mental energy.
I also get no gas from this Larch pre-biotic which is nice compared to RS. My sleep is even deeper with the Larch than the RS and the quality of my dreams is improved compared to the RS as well. I have a more stable emotional presence in my dream and feel more present, a huge benefit.
Larch also has immuno modulating properties that may make it more effective than pure RS as it goes beyond just being a pre-biotic.
For those struggling with RS I would actually recommend Larch first, it seems to be a bit more gentle at least from my n=1 experience.
This seems to confirm the theory that different pre-biotic substrates feed different bacteria and thus have different effects. In the end a mix is probably the best, but trying them in isolation first makes for an interesting study.
Warning, it is more pricey and at 30grams a day will run you about $6 per day. But many people spend that much on a coffee from starbucks daily anyways. So well worth it in my opinion.
On a completely different note I have been thinking about the role of mucous and it's pre-biotic effect. I always have thought of excess mucous as a sign of a response the body is trying to protect itself form invasion by increasing the barrier to the outside world. However the body by producing excess mucous may also be trying to give a helping hand to the friendly microbes and increase their populations to assist in fighting an infection and supporting the body.
One of the main things I noticed when taking RS is a significant drop in mucous production in my nasal passages. Excess mucous production therefore may be a signal the body is lacking prebiotics as mucous itself acts as a prebiotic and may be trying to compensate!
Where things get all screwed up is people on ketogenic or VLC diets. I tried a ketogenic diet once and one of the nice benefits was again a clearing of the nasal passages of mucous. This however was NOT because my immune system was healthier or the state of my micrbiome was superior because on the whole I actually felt much worse. It was because my body was deprived of glycans from carbs that are necessary for mucous production. In a state of ketosis your body prioritizes glucose to support the brain at the expense of almost everything else. Many people on ketogenic diets thus report having dry mouth and eyes because now they are in a state of mucous deficiency because they are glycan deficient form lack of carbs.
I now believe that mucous acts as a contingency source of pre-biotic fuel for bacteria. However adequately giving the bacteria their preferred fuel source ie. prebiotics such as RS, Larch, Inulin, FOS,etc. then the body won't need to make as much mucous to support said bacteria and then it levels out it's production to ideal levels.