The Resistant Starch Challenge: Is It The Key We've Been Looking For?


Senior Member
For what it's worth, I got in touch with Tim Steele about this and he said:

Tim Steele said:
I've looked into Larch AG pretty hard. It's just another prebiotic and does the same things as potato starch, inulin, banana flour, etc... In the studies, they have to use 20-40g to get the results, but the supplement pills are like 2-3g and expensive.

Certainly worth experimenting with, but it might not be a panacea. On the other hand, every prebiotic supposedly feeds a different species of bacteria, so there should be some difference. And it's also worth noting that people anecdotally claim that arabinogalactan seems to noticeably enhance the immune response. So, n=1 accordingly.


Senior Member
i am thinking adding 6grams inulin with RS because its cheap.will this dosage make any difference?and will it make it to the large colon?or it needs bolus 8 teaspoons?

The more fiber you eat, the more likely it makes its way to the colon since any initial fiber that gets down will keep the gut bugs busy at the proximal end. So as the first fiber feeds the proximal-end gut bugs, additional fiber moves down until the next area of hungry gut bugs get to eat it, and so on. Most SAD dieters just feed the proximal end and nothing else.

Our Paleolithic ancestors ate over 135g of fiber a day. You can easily assume that their entire colons were flooded with fiber. Any fiber that didn't get fermented was just pooped out. So, as long as you can tolerate it, I think it's difficult to eat too much soluble fiber.

I wouldn't overthink it, but I might aim for 60g-80g of fiber a day between food and any prebiotic powders as a start.


Senior Member
I can't find it but earlier in this thread someone suggested adding something to the RS to make it more effective.
What was it?


Senior Member
Thanks @Vegas. My response does feel normal. I'm experiencing none of the inflammation and what I've always understood to be 'autoimmune' symptoms I'm used to when challenged. There's something different going on lately.
I'll investigate the arm thing further myself. (Yes it's the right.)

I'm sorry you're being slammed. Ice cold hands...chills, sounds familiar. Look after yourself!

@Sushi, good news! I can't wait to hear more in due course.

My recent symptoms resolved completely and I felt better than good, for a bit.
I'm dosing cautiously again and lymph symptoms have flared already. So far it's just a hot sensation in the lower body and a rise in temperature. Oh, and gas! At last! .....Now we're getting somewhere....:smug::aghhh::cautious:


Senior Member
Scotland, UK
I wonder if this product would be of benefit...

Aktivated® Barley is the ultimate carbohydrate! It is a pre-sprouted grain that is digested slowly thus providing energy over a prolonged period. Aktivated® Barley is also a great source of immune-enhancing beta-glucan soluble fibre.

Aktivated® Barley is manufactured through a patented process that increases the beta-glucan content by up to 94 per cent. Furthermore the fibre from Aktivated® Barley forms a gelatinous medium, creating a stable, steady release of nutrients, which include high levels of the antioxidant and oxygen scavenger super oxide dismutase. It also contains 5.6% omega-3 and 4.6% omega-6 fatty acids. All in all Aktivated Barley® has a superb nutritional profile.

As Aktivated® Barley has a very low GI score; ranging between 20 and 30, the energy you receive will be released over a much more prolonged duration when compared to a high GI carbohydrate such as Dextrose. This makes it a great carbohydrate at any time during the day.
I had significant improvements but when I started adding inulin my condition gradually worsened again (constipation, cranky mood and foul-smelling flatulence came back again.
Confounding variables could be eggs and onions, btw.

It might be due to bactericidal activity due to a possible increase in bifidobacteria though.
For what it's worth, I removed the inulin and I feel much better now.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
I wonder if this product would be of benefit...

Aktivated® Barley is the ultimate carbohydrate! It is a pre-sprouted grain that is digested slowly thus providing energy over a prolonged period. Aktivated® Barley is also a great source of immune-enhancing beta-glucan soluble fibre.

Aktivated® Barley is manufactured through a patented process that increases the beta-glucan content by up to 94 per cent. Furthermore the fibre from Aktivated® Barley forms a gelatinous medium, creating a stable, steady release of nutrients, which include high levels of the antioxidant and oxygen scavenger super oxide dismutase. It also contains 5.6% omega-3 and 4.6% omega-6 fatty acids. All in all Aktivated Barley® has a superb nutritional profile.

As Aktivated® Barley has a very low GI score; ranging between 20 and 30, the energy you receive will be released over a much more prolonged duration when compared to a high GI carbohydrate such as Dextrose. This makes it a great carbohydrate at any time during the day.

Wonder if it contains gluten? I couldn't find mention of gluten, to which many of us are sensitive.


Senior Member
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I had significant improvements but when I started adding inulin my condition gradually worsened again (constipation, cranky mood and foul-smelling flatulence came back again.
Confounding variables could be eggs and onions, btw.

It might be due to bactericidal activity due to a possible increase in bifidobacteria though.
For what it's worth, I removed the inulin and I feel much better now.

dosage?how much time you took it ?


Senior Member
Southeastern United States
I seem to be getting a great big dose of NO based upon my symptoms and the effects this can produce as this signalling molecule does its thing influencing the many subservient processes, and it is not fun. ...
....My accupressure technique on the outside of the foot is helping quite a bit with the nausea, but I am going to need to find some more symptomatic relief. I also couldn't help but have noticed how everyone in my entire household was incredibly irritable by day 2 after the last RS+bifidobacterial fix, among other symptoms.

@Vegas, so you recently got nausea and irritability, after using the resistant starch and bifidobacteria. Correct? Are you planning on continuing the resistant starch and bifidos, or are you planning on stopping them?
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Senior Member
@Vegas, so you recently got nausea and irritability, after using the resistant starch and bifidobacteria. Correct? Are you planning on continuing the resistant starch and bifidos, or are you planning on stopping them?

Nausea, irritability, and a lot of other unpleasant symptoms, yes that is true. Others I know are finding "side effects" to be diminishing, but I think the course for those who have been ill for a very long time will see "side effects" increase before they subside, I am obviously in this category.

This week I had more of a systemic reaction, which was similar to the first time I started taking probiotics. This one caught me off guard. I was quite ill on Wed. Late in the day I developed a little kidney pain, which reminds me that I still have bacterial translocation, and thus a ways to go. It is the bacteria outside the GIT that can produce these larger scale and more intense reactions. Nausea, mild diarrhea, headache, chills, aching, it was not dissimilar to a GI virus.
When this happens, there is an obvious attempt to purge what is in the GIT. What is different thought is that all my lymph nodes light up like a Christmas tree as in an attempt to dissipate the toxicity of the endotoxins.

Actually, I felt much better yesterday, but was exhausted. Today, I'm getting right-sided kidney pain again. It is certainly not musculoskeletal in nature. This is simply something that happens periodically when the resources are such that a challenge to an infection can be mounted. Until the intestinal permeability is substantially decreased, there is not much I can do about this.

Nevertheless, I see RS as having the greatest potential to achieve a resolution of the underlying pathology, so I am not considering stopping this. I'm also pretty hardened from years of doing this.

I can discern that more of the stuff is staying in the GIT than before. My head is very clear and I have less lymphatic involvement in the back, in fact I think keeping more of the endotoxins in the GIT is likely why the immune system is mounting a challenge to the extra-GIT infection, because now it can.


Senior Member
South East England, UK
To save me having to go through so many posts can somebody tell me what the problem is with using ordinary organic potato flour? This was all I could get from my local healthfood shop and I have taken about 1 1/2 tablespoons daily for the past 3 weeks.

It feels like the yeasts are loving it. I do have a problem with getting yeasts quite easily and did have an alkaline gut on the first CDSA but not on one done a year ago.

BTW I do now have the right one and have just started taking it from yesterday but would still like to understand the problem with the other one cos they do look and taste the same.

@bertiedog flour has no resistant starch in it, the starch does. So use the starch. You'll notice the difference when you up the dose with the RS ;-)
Baking soda and cocaine also look and taste the same, doesn't mean they're different ;-)

@finalgates Up to 3gr in the morning (of InulinFOS). I might slowly add it again in a week or so, but they seem to have a very noticeable effect on me. But, I have this with the introduction of every new type of fiber (eg. RS, Bimuno).


Senior Member
I started Bimuno yesterday and am going slow on the RS after running into blood sugar problems. OK so far. One half TSP RS every few days.
i started 2 caps primal defense ,2 caps prescript assist ,2 caps aor probiotic 3,2 caps sacharomyces boulardii with 4tbs it good i take all four probiotics the same time?or they compete?


Senior Member
i started 2 caps primal defense ,2 caps prescript assist ,2 caps aor probiotic 3,2 caps sacharomyces boulardii with 4tbs it good i take all four probiotics the same time?or they compete?

To be safe, I would start slow, adding one probiotic every few days. Even if they compete with one another, that isn't necessarily a bad thing. A fecal transplant would have way more numbers and variety than anything you'll get from a few pills. I had trouble with Primal Defense, since it has a lot of lactic acid producing bacteria. The other two are really just SBOs and can be better tolerated by a lot of people.