@Sasha - @jepps is very specific about the need to balance the prebiotics, which can be weighted differently depending on the problem. Hopefully she will be able to provide some advice.
Interestingly, I just read a blog last night by a person who had recovered from "CFS" by the use of, in part, probiotics.
(S)he stated that h.pylori tends to be low or absent in those with CFS. When I was scoped about 12 years ago, that was the situation with me even though I had GI symptoms at the time. https://cfsremission.wordpress.com/2013/09/14/probiotics-lack-lactobacillus-acidophilus/
It appears your over-reliance on the single prebiotic led to the h. pylori, as you recognize.
Thanks - I'll take a look at that, though n=1 is problematic, I think - our guts seem to be all over the place.
Actually, I hadn't considered that my reliance on PS had caused the problem - it's possible, of course (anything's possible!) but as we've been discussing, VSL3 and/or calcium carbonate could also have been factors. At this point I don't know if I have h. pylori - and what I'm reading now suggests that h. pylori is protective against reflux, not a cause of it.
Like I said, I don't know which way is up any more!
It's also possible that the probiotics you're using contain one or more strains that are feeding it and may be more resilient and populous compared to other strains. I think with a little research in this direction you might be able to rebalance things. Just a thought. I hope you find your answer soon.
I think I'm going to have to re-read everything about SIBO/GERD/low acid/h. pylori/histamine and try to figure out a first step, but it's hard to know what to research without knowing the cause.
I have just started using RS/potato starch and other fibers and am in the process of trying to find the best balance myself. I don't want to spoil the good effects I've started getting!
P.S. - just editing to direct you to the Sanum Therapy thread, where more about prebiotics can be found.
Good luck! Really not sure what to do about other prebiotics. PS is a butyrate-producer so maybe I should be looking for something that does that without consisting of RS. Would that be pectin?