I had a fairly lenghty personal correspondence with Amir Norris many years ago, when I first heard of this "treatment", I wanted to find out what was involved - because obviously, I want cured.
It quickly became obvious that the "science" was pretty much invented by PP, he does at least make it clear that it is
his theory, he does not claim it is based in real scientific knowledge. But he
implies that it is. (ergo, psuedoscience)
It certainly didn't conincide with my Hons. BSc. studies.

We (PWME) tend to have
low cortisol, we are
not running on a huge outpouring of adrenalin - that would cause our blood pressure to RISE - our blood pressure tends to be low.
Maybe I'm just too educated to fall for it.
I am a scientist - I do care about folk's qualifications, I don't trust psychic surgeons or clairevoyants and I most certainly won't fall for this nonsense. I am not talking from ignorance, I do know what is entailed in the process - I have read many testimonials - both positive and negative, and some folk have given out exactly what is done.
It's not complicated, it
is something somebody who had just genned up from a book could do.
I could do it and make a fortune too, but I have principles and so I wouldn't.