Ross, please don't answer if you don't want, but I was curious what Dr. P thinks of the Lyme.
. If you truly think you have Lyme but don't test CDC positive, you really have no choice but to go to a "Lyme" doc and do an empiric trial of antiboics. But don't expect them to look any further than Lyme if it doesn't work out.
I don't see Peterson nearly as often as you do.. perhaps you could ask him if the opportunity presents itself to see if I misread his stance? (although I clearly remember him saying "I don't see how lyme could be endemic to CA") or maybe he's changed his mind since then?
Thought I'd pop in to report that at 6 months I'm at 90% and back to work, back to being capable parent, back to taking care of the house. If I don't improve another inch on vistide, I'll count myself beyond miraculously fortunate.
By the way, another marker of my return to good health: I have a full blown cold!
Why is it that we don't get big, blow out colds? We have a huge immune response (that then lays us out)?
Wow, congratulations! That's amazing.I'm so happy for you.
Now, do you have to stay on this? It looks so toxic! Or is it a six month thing then you're done?
Maybe this has been covered? Is Vistide ever covered by insurance with a HHV6 diagnosis?
90% is WONDERFUL news!!!!! So glad to hear this!
Vistide goes off patent later this year, I think in June. Administration costs and tests might still get expensive, but even if insurance does not pay for the drug maybe a generic will be cheap enough and insurance will pay for the office and lab fees?
hvs, how would you rate your condition immediately before you did Vistide? You went from ___% to 90%?
Hmm, let's see. One way to measure (one that I wish more patients had access to because it obliterates the arguments of the Wessley types) is my VO2 max, which suggested I was the equivalent of someone with heart disease and qualified me for federal disability. I