I have my first appointment with Peterson next week, and I just wanted to check: is he still pretty much pushing ampligen and now vistide, the combination depending on the patient?? As in, does he believe CFS is strictly a viral & immuno-dysfunction disease?
--Excellent: no bad reaction to the medicine from kidneys or liver. We're off to the races.--
Joey, the great the thing about Peterson is that he assumes nothing about what is making you sick. I saw another doc who will remain nameless who's decided he "knows" what CFS is, and when I didn't fit his preconceived notion exactly, he...well...it just didn't go well.
Peterson runs 1000 tests because he assumes nothing. He collects tons of data so that he can try to figure out what's going on whether its cancer, malaria, dengue fever, or this crazy syndrome. --Be ready for weeks of tests!
But, yes, if you are one of the small percentage of people diagnosed with CFS who actually fit the Incline cohort (viral "driver," whatever the original cause), he's not going to recommend CBT...he has lots of experience in going after it aggressively.