Hey, everybody. I was looking at the forum because of the recent news-of-impending-news and it occurred to me that I never gave a final report on my vistide experience.
Yes, I'm healthy. I have no weariness whatsoever. No cognitive impairment. No infections of which I'm aware. I am not sick.
One lingering pest is orthostatic intolerance, what seems to me to be mild POTS. It is so mild relative to what so many people face: I am never in danger of fainting, never even tunnel vision or the like. ...Just a perceptible decline in blood pressure and an unnecessarily rapid heartbeat after a period of being upright. I could be standing talking to a friend or lifting weights--the activity doesn't matter--and eventually I'll get that low blood pressure feeling and want to sit. I guess POTS is a not uncommon after-effect of viral infections. Often it goes away after period.
Don't ask me the relationship between my defeat of the herpes-virus infections and the real possibility that XMRV is the driver for so-called "cfs." Did beating down the herpes virus flip my immune system into a state that could put the xmrv into latency? Did it simply allow my body the "personnel" to tackle the xmrv? No idea.