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The Electrical Apocalypse: Can we avoid it?


Senior Member
Hey everyone,

As all of you already know, the increased advance of technology is making life very difficult for a lot of us who already have various immune and neurological illnesses.

Recently, I have experienced some severe crisis moments where I was exposed to wireless alarms, cell phones, GPS technoloy in cars, video game systems, laptops, and in many situations escape was literally impossible. My health was so compromised that I was not sure how I would survive.

So I have come to the conclusion that as avoidance becomes more and more difficult, we have only 3 LINES OF DEFENSE:

  • Blocking the RF Radiation somehow
  • Improving our health so we are not affected at all by EMF
  • Finding some safe housing or a place to go in emergencies

I am inviting people to share their ideas in these 3 areas. If you have had ANY SUCCESS AT ALL in any of these areas, I would love to hear about it. I am realizing that if I do not act fast, it won't be long before I am surrounded by technology which may eventually destroy my health.

Thanks, please contribute success stories and positive ideas!!!



Senior Member
Interesting topic, thanks for bringing it up. What symptoms get worse for you, with EMF? And how do you know that that's what caused your crisis?


Senior Member
I'm glad this was brought up, as it's becoming one of my pet peeves.

I wouldn't call myself an electronics expert by any means, but I do work on simple electronic circuits for a hobby (guitars). There are two ways to shield a guitar circuit - connect the circuit to ground, and shield the circuit with copper foil and connect that to ground.

Therefore, I feel that anything that doesn't include one of these things in it's design is a scam. Based on this, I see an awful lot of scams out there, including the $500 diode thing that Sushi linked to.

Does it plug in and transmit something, or is it simply a passive circuit that somehow accepts EMFs, converts them into something harmless by running it through the diode, and somehow broadcasts that to a 60 yard radius? If it's plugged in, it would actually be generating more EMFs, unless it's well shielded. If it's passive where does the power come from to operate it? I don't get it.

As far as making yourself well enough to tolerate EMFs, the last step in Yasko's methylation protocol is to remyelinate the nerves. Due to undermethylation, the nerves can become unmyelinated i.e. lose their natural shielding, therefore causing problems with EMFs. Doing methylation treatment, including remyelination should help a patient be able to tolerate EMFs again.

If there are any electrical engineers on here, I would like to hear their opinion about how to shield yourself from EMFs.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I read recently that EMF sensitivity is a result of high levels of heavy metals in our bodies. Not sure what to make of that. Thoughts anybody?


Senior Member
I have been electrosensitive (ES) for 20 years. I had an exam done some months ago when they examined myelin and axons and it didn´t show any defects of the myelin sheets. So , I don´t believe in the hypothesis that Richvank proposed. I have also been on a methylation protocol for more than 2 years. I do wish it had been possible to discuss this with Rich...We talked about the connection with GST gene defects that he also wrote about and lifted in some of his last posts 2012.

I, like all electro sensitive people I have talked to during the past 20 years- hundreds, have been exposed to toxins like amalgam, mold, organic phosphates, toxins from new computers and other new electronic equipments. There are also other chemicals that have started the ES.

We know that some computer brands also caused more ES than others. One electrical fact (don´t know how to express this) is that these computers had spikes of high frequencies, not an even sinus curve.

Finance people, who worked with more than one computer, that got ES had there computers built in and the cover was ventilated not into their workroom. The young guys got rid of their ES. Sorry for my poor language.

The proof for me of the connection with toxic chemicals is that many people instantly became ES when they where exposed to a specific toxic chemical. And some people were not ES when they weren´t exposed any longer. E.g. after they had moved out from a house with mold. Some after amalgam removal.

I have looked at gene tests from about 20 people today that are ES. They all have gene defects in the methylation cycle, and they all have GST gene defects. So my opinion is that we are intoxicated due to genetic defects in the methylation (which causes to low glutathione) and/or to enzyme defect(-s) that lowers the conjugating/binding capacity of glutathione. Too low glutathione, that we can´t bind properly.


Senior Member
So , I don´t believe in the hypothesis that Richvank proposed. I have also been on a methylation protocol for more than 2 years. I do wish it had been possible to discuss this with Rich...We talked about the connection with GST gene defects that he also wrote about and lifted in some of his last posts 2012.

The proof for me of the connection with toxic chemicals is that many people instantly became ES when they where exposed to a specific toxic chemical. And some people were not ES when they weren´t exposed any longer. E.g. after they had moved out from a house with mold. Some after amalgam removal.

I have looked at gene tests from about 20 people today that are ES. They all have gene defects in the methylation cycle, and they all have GST gene defects. So my opinion is that we are intoxicated due to genetic defects in the methylation (which causes to low glutathione) and/or to enzyme defect(-s) that lowers the conjugating/binding capacity of glutathione. Too low glutathione, that we can´t bind properly.

@Helen Interesting. So are you suggesting that EMFs are detoxified via glutathione? Or that improving methylation in general improves "something" that improves EMF sensitivity. As methylation affects over 40 important processes in the body, it could be most anything.

ps. if you're not better from EMFs after two years on methylation, there seems to be something missing from your protocol. I get improvement in MCS and startup of metal detox almost right away. I've also had partial improvement in thyroid and adrenals, and my sleep cycle regulating within a few months - these have all been very stubborn years long problems for me. Are you getting improvements like this?


Senior Member
@Helen Interesting. So are you suggesting that EMFs are detoxified via glutathione? Or that improving methylation in general improves "something" that improves EMF sensitivity. As methylation affects over 40 important processes in the body, it could be most anything.

ps. if you're not better from EMFs after two years on methylation, there seems to be something missing from your protocol. I get improvement in MCS and startup of metal detox almost right away. I've also had partial improvement in thyroid and adrenals, and my sleep cycle regulating within a few months - these have all been very stubborn years long problems for me. Are you getting improvements like this?

At least I think that genetic factors are necessary, but not sufficient, factors to ES. I can only tell what I have seen in the test results. Hopefully a proper methylation will help. But then there is the so important conjugation with help of the glutathione-s-transferase enzymes (GST) that has to work properly too.

Thank you for your advice about my methylation protocol. I have had the methylation panel from Health Diagnostics done twice, and just a little increase in reduced glutathione could be seen. Recently I was diagnosed with Lyme (that I have had probably for 3 years) and as you probably have seen, Rich posted about how the Borrelia b "consumes" glutathione. It never seems to end... I got huge doses of MCbl 20 years ago that really made a change, though only being heterozygote in two of the MTRR SNP´s. I also moved out from a house with mold and other chemicals that also made a big change.


Senior Member
Has anyone here who thinks they may be electrosensitive actually performed any simple checks to see if they can detect the presence of electromagnetic waves emitted from electronic devices?

For example, you could ask a friend who lives in the same house as you to (on different days) randomly switch on or off one of the electrical appliances you believe you are sensitive to, but without telling you which days the device was on or off (and without there being any other way that you might know, such as seeing the on light on the appliance). Then if you were electrosensitive to that appliance, you should be able to sense which days it was switched on and which days it was switched off. That is to say, at the end of perhaps 10 days of such testing, your idea on when you thought the device was switched on should exactly tally with the days when your friend has actually switched it on.

If you look at the scientific studies on electrosensitivity, almost all of them find that people who say they are electrosensitive were not able to detect when the electromagnetic waves or signals from the appliance was present or absent.

See this article for example, where it states: "In a provocation study, an electrosensitive person sits in a room with the source of electromagnetic waves hidden from view: they don’t know whether it is switched on or not. There have been 36 such studies published to date. This is very active work. This field has not been neglected. Thirty-three have shown that the subjects were unable to tell if the signal was present or absent, and the other three were flawed." More of Ben Goldacre's articles on eletrosensitivity can be found HERE.

I don't deny the possibility that electrosensitivity may exist, but my hunch is that in many cases, it is the anxiety and apprehension of merely seeing an electronic device in your vicinity that may provoke some symptoms. This is why the results of the sort of blind test I described about would be interesting to see.

If there are any sensitivities to using electronic equipment, remember that electronic components on circuit boards off gas a number of chemicals when they get hot, and multiple chemical sensitivity is common in ME/CFS patients. Ref: here. And most computers contain cooling fans which activity blow the chemicals off gased by the hot electronic components within the computer into the room.


Senior Member

Of course I asked people close to me to test me as I couldn´t believe myself, that I reacted on electromagnetic wawes. My brothers, both engineers, arranged several tests. So did my workmates, also engineers (in electronics). And yes, no doubt I was electro sensitive. After that I have surprised people many times when I have detected electronic equipment, EMF´s or similar.

About research and studies, follow the money. Dr. Henry Lai told during a talk that he was engaged by Motorola to investigate if cell phones could have an impact on health. When he presented the results, that showed that mice couldn´t find their way in a labyrinth after having been exposed to cell phone radiation, he was fired. In my country the most interviewed doctors in media, at least before, where in the board of a telecom company .

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) are probably connected to polymorphisms in the Phase II detoxification in the liver. At least all, whose gene tests I have checked, have shown this.

Please, see page 2 and the comments to Acethylation and Glutathione Conjugation http://www.gdx.net/core/sample-reports/Detoxi-Genomics-Sample-Report.pdf

The first, and I think so far the only (pilot)study of ES and load of toxic chemicals:

Electromagn Biol Med. 2008;27(2):197-203. doi: 10.1080/15368370802089053.
Increased concentrations of certain persistent organic pollutants in subjects with self-reported electromagnetic hypersensitivity--a pilot study.
Hardell L, Carlberg M, Söderqvist F, Hardell K, Björnfoth H, van Bavel B, Lindström G.
Department of Oncology, University Hospital, Orebro, Sweden. lennart.hardell@orebroll.se

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is used for a variety of subjective symptoms related to exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF). The aim of this pilot study was to analyze the concentrations of certain persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in subjects with self-reported EHS. In total, 13 EHS subjects and 21 controls were included, all female. Lower concentrations were found for hexachlorobenzene and two types of chlordanes. The only significantly increased odds ratios (ORs) were found for polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) #47 yielding OR=11.7, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.45-94.7 and the chlordane metabolite MC6 with OR=11.2, 95% CI=1.18-106. The results were based on low numbers and must be interpreted with caution. This hypothesis generating study indicates the necessity of a larger investigation on this issue.


Senior Member
About research and studies, follow the money.

Good point.

It would certainly be very interesting to know how many studies, out of the 33 studies that found no evidence of electrosensitivity, were performed by the cell phone industry or similar, and how many of those studies were performed by university departments with no affiliation whatsoever to such industries.

Of course I asked people close to me to test me as I couldn´t believe myself, that I reacted on electromagnetic wawes. My brothers, both engineers, arranged several tests. So did my workmates, also engineers (in electronics). And yes, no doubt I was electro sensitive. After that I have surprised people many times when I have detected electronic equipment, EMF´s or similar.

In these tests that you did with your brothers and workmates, were you accurately able to say every time whether the electronic device was on or off, without having any clues whatsoever about whether it was on or off (clues like the "power on" light of the device, or any sounds made by the electronic device)?

What sort of symptoms do you experience when you are in the presence of electromagnetic waves emitted by electronic devices? And when you are hit by these EM waves, how quickly do these symptoms appear?


Senior Member
At least I think that genetic factors are necessary, but not sufficient, factors to ES. I can only tell what I have seen in the test results. Hopefully a proper methylation will help. But then there is the so important conjugation with help of the glutathione-s-transferase enzymes (GST) that has to work properly too.

@Helen The thing I have heard about GST is that you will need more glutathione than the average person. So doing a methylation treatment should work.

Thank you for your advice about my methylation protocol. I have had the methylation panel from Health Diagnostics done twice, and just a little increase in reduced glutathione could be seen. Recently I was diagnosed with Lyme (that I have had probably for 3 years) and as you probably have seen, Rich posted about how the Borrelia b "consumes" glutathione. It never seems to end... I got huge doses of MCbl 20 years ago that really made a change, though only being heterozygote in two of the MTRR SNP´s. I also moved out from a house with mold and other chemicals that also made a big change.

Just a tiny increase in reduced glutathione makes sense considering you still have symptoms. I saw or heard somewhere that working on CBS in conjunction with doing a Lyme protocol should help with killing off Lyme. Sorry, I can't remember the exact source, but I'm thinking either Ben Lynch or one of the MTHFRsupport podcasts. That would make sense, because if the Lyme caused a CBS situation, you wouldn't be able to make much glutathione.
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Senior Member
Interesting topic, thanks for bringing it up. What symptoms get worse for you, with EMF? And how do you know that that's what caused your crisis?

I know its the RF waves I'm reacting to, because I can feel them very acutely whenever I'm near these devices. If you get the exact same awful feeling in your body every single time you are exposed to a wireless device, you make the connection. When the device is turned off, the pain goes away.

As for symptoms, its pain, tremors, insomnia, dizziness, nausea and extreme fatigue and disorientation.

I've tried glutathione for about 2 months now, it might have helped my overall health but has yet to remove the EMF sensitivity.

A lot of good responses so far, I will read them later when I don't have brain fog :)



Senior Member
I know its the RF waves I'm reacting to, because I can feel them very acutely whenever I'm near these devices. If you get the exact same awful feeling in your body every single time you are exposed to a wireless device, you make the connection. When the device is turned off, the pain goes away.

As for symptoms, its pain, tremors, insomnia, dizziness, nausea and extreme fatigue and disorientation.

I've tried glutathione for about 2 months now, it might have helped my overall health but has yet to remove the EMF sensitivity.

A lot of good responses so far, I will read them later when I don't have brain fog :)


In the Ben Lynch video
Folate and Methylation Defects and Metabolism in 2013: Clinical Breakthroughs and Updates linked in my signature he says not to take too much glutathione, and to take NAD with glutathione, so you don't end up making a bunch of oxidized glutathione, instead of the good kind, reduced glutathione.

If you're not doing it like this, this could explain not getting benefits, or you're in quite a deficient hole and it hasn't been long enough. Or like Helen, there is something else sucking up your glutathione that needs to be eliminated.
in 1990 i read the book "The Zapping of America" by Paul Brodeur cause i was concerned about the man-made signals back then, AM, FM radio wave, analog TV, radar, etc. Today we are bombarded by so much more, cell phones, wireless phones (1.9GHz, 2.4GHz, 5.8GHz), microwaves (ovens 2.45GHz), digital TV, radar, satellite GPS, bluetooth, 60Hz power, wireless mouse, wireless LAN, satellite TV, microprocessor emissions (though supposedly shielded), etc. I often wonder how we can NOT be adversely effected by such. While I do not consider myself to be EMF sensitive (though there may be some), I am extremely chemically sensitive, I can imagine people being sensitive to such. However, I can just imagine so many other health issues resulting from long term exposure. We know microwave ovens are used to excite water molecules to induce heat in food.

Add to that all the air pollution, and water polution we have to deal with. I keep thinking how beautiful awesome the world was just 100 years ago. In the last 100 years, we've managed to polute and do so much... in the name of technological advancement and conveniences. Even when i was child, I think there were still pristine lakes and streams, not sure any more.
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Senior Member
In the Ben Lynch video
Folate and Methylation Defects and Metabolism in 2013: Clinical Breakthroughs and Updates linked in my signature he says not to take too much glutathione, and to take NAD with glutathione, so you don't end up making a bunch of oxidized glutathione, instead of the good kind, reduced glutathione.

If you're not doing it like this, this could explain not getting benefits, or you're in quite a deficient hole and it hasn't been long enough. Or like Helen, there is something else sucking up your glutathione that needs to be eliminated.

Couple of questions:

1. What is NAD?
2. When you say don't take too much glutathione, what do you mean by "too much" ? (so far I've been taking 100 mg about every 3-4 days)


Senior Member
Has anyone here who thinks they may be electrosensitive actually performed any simple checks to see if they can detect the presence of electromagnetic waves emitted from electronic devices?

For example, you could ask a friend who lives in the same house as you to (on different days) randomly switch on or off one of the electrical appliances you believe you are sensitive to, but without telling you which days the device was on or off (and without there being any other way that you might know, such as seeing the on light on the appliance). Then if you were electrosensitive to that appliance, you should be able to sense which days it was switched on and which days it was switched off. That is to say, at the end of perhaps 10 days of such testing, your idea on when you thought the device was switched on should exactly tally with the days when your friend has actually switched it on.

If you look at the scientific studies on electrosensitivity, almost all of them find that people who say they are electrosensitive were not able to detect when the electromagnetic waves or signals from the appliance was present or absent.

See this article for example, where it states: "In a provocation study, an electrosensitive person sits in a room with the source of electromagnetic waves hidden from view: they don’t know whether it is switched on or not. There have been 36 such studies published to date. This is very active work. This field has not been neglected. Thirty-three have shown that the subjects were unable to tell if the signal was present or absent, and the other three were flawed." More of Ben Goldacre's articles on eletrosensitivity can be found HERE.

I don't deny the possibility that electrosensitivity may exist, but my hunch is that in many cases, it is the anxiety and apprehension of merely seeing an electronic device in your vicinity that may provoke some symptoms. This is why the results of the sort of blind test I described about would be interesting to see.

If there are any sensitivities to using electronic equipment, remember that electronic components on circuit boards off gas a number of chemicals when they get hot, and multiple chemical sensitivity is common in ME/CFS patients. Ref: here. And most computers contain cooling fans which activity blow the chemicals off gased by the hot electronic components within the computer into the room.

Since a lot of CFS/ME has so many nervous system components to it, there is no doubt that anxiety and the fight/flight syndrome can trigger the worsening of symptoms. All kinds of stress can actually trigger a worsening of symptoms.

However, these are short-lived panic responses which can dissipate.

That still doesn't change the fact that I can physically feel the radiation coming off these devices, and that prolonged exposure always results in extremely severe physical symptoms that cannot possibly be psychological in nature.

You can't get extreme physical pain, severe fatigue, and Parkinson-like tremors from just being upset.


Senior Member
I'm glad this was brought up, as it's becoming one of my pet peeves.

I wouldn't call myself an electronics expert by any means, but I do work on simple electronic circuits for a hobby (guitars). There are two ways to shield a guitar circuit - connect the circuit to ground, and shield the circuit with copper foil and connect that to ground.

Therefore, I feel that anything that doesn't include one of these things in it's design is a scam. Based on this, I see an awful lot of scams out there, including the $500 diode thing that Sushi linked to.

Does it plug in and transmit something, or is it simply a passive circuit that somehow accepts EMFs, converts them into something harmless by running it through the diode, and somehow broadcasts that to a 60 yard radius? If it's plugged in, it would actually be generating more EMFs, unless it's well shielded. If it's passive where does the power come from to operate it? I don't get it.

As far as making yourself well enough to tolerate EMFs, the last step in Yasko's methylation protocol is to remyelinate the nerves. Due to undermethylation, the nerves can become unmyelinated i.e. lose their natural shielding, therefore causing problems with EMFs. Doing methylation treatment, including remyelination should help a patient be able to tolerate EMFs again.

If there are any electrical engineers on here, I would like to hear their opinion about how to shield yourself from EMFs.

Thanks for your response.

How does one achieve methylation and remyelinazation exactly, and what evidence is there that this helps with EMF sensitivity?

By the way, the real problem here is not televisions and computers, which have EMF fields that can simply be shut off with a power switch. The problem is wireless devices that send RF signals that cannot be escaped.

Not being able to escape is the problem.


Senior Member
I have been electrosensitive (ES) for 20 years. I had an exam done some months ago when they examined myelin and axons and it didn´t show any defects of the myelin sheets. So , I don´t believe in the hypothesis that Richvank proposed. I have also been on a methylation protocol for more than 2 years. I do wish it had been possible to discuss this with Rich...We talked about the connection with GST gene defects that he also wrote about and lifted in some of his last posts 2012.

I, like all electro sensitive people I have talked to during the past 20 years- hundreds, have been exposed to toxins like amalgam, mold, organic phosphates, toxins from new computers and other new electronic equipments. There are also other chemicals that have started the ES.

We know that some computer brands also caused more ES than others. One electrical fact (don´t know how to express this) is that these computers had spikes of high frequencies, not an even sinus curve.

Finance people, who worked with more than one computer, that got ES had there computers built in and the cover was ventilated not into their workroom. The young guys got rid of their ES. Sorry for my poor language.

The proof for me of the connection with toxic chemicals is that many people instantly became ES when they where exposed to a specific toxic chemical. And some people were not ES when they weren´t exposed any longer. E.g. after they had moved out from a house with mold. Some after amalgam removal.

I have looked at gene tests from about 20 people today that are ES. They all have gene defects in the methylation cycle, and they all have GST gene defects. So my opinion is that we are intoxicated due to genetic defects in the methylation (which causes to low glutathione) and/or to enzyme defect(-s) that lowers the conjugating/binding capacity of glutathione. Too low glutathione, that we can´t bind properly.

Okay, you've been on a glutathione protocol for 2 years, are you less sensitivity to chemicals and EMF now? :)