Right, finally caught my breath for a second! A brief report on Curly and Kass, and an equally brief summary of what I've been doing and why. Finally, a newly unearthed evil waiting in the wings.
Kass has been completely in the clear for a good few months now, despite another bout of flu around Christmas, caught from her 'disease carrying vermin' (my beloved grandchildren...). The big one seemed to be the addition of the P5P B6 and the 10 000 g Source Naturals B12.
On Curly, something wondrous appears to have happened over the last ten days or so. Her body has switched back to what appears to be full aerobic operation. Rumours that she heard the click as it kicked back in are apocryphal. After the new year she lost nearly two pounds per day for a few days, which has stabilised out at around two pounds per week now. Her famous 'three hills' (early this thread) she climbs once every two or three days. I've been up that hill, it nearly killed me. She's breathing deeply, indicating that oxygen is being both demanded and delivered to its proper places. She's returned to both weight training and her cross trainer, and her heart, which previously refused to go over 110 bpm now reaches a healthy 140 bpm. No trace of lactic acid, no sofa, no repercussions. She feels 'absolutely great', '...really feel myself again for the first time in years!'.
Wow... Could this be the Big One, I wonder? Early days yet. I keep feeding her Freddd's caveat of course (this thread) but she knows her own body intimately. Of the two of us, she is the Team Leader and I but the anxious advisor. All her physical symptoms, guts, the need for antihistamines for eczema and many other autoimmune conditions etc are all cleared up. She is also building muscle again, and feels that the mitos are functioning normally now. Oi, offspring, I'm a creaky old hippy and this is all a bit much, you know!
A brief recap on Curly's protocol. I settled on Se for toxic metals, especially Hg, and ALA to scavenge more general toxins. As we recall, Hg and Se form a more or less inseparable bond to form the harmless compound HgSe. Thus with the ALA, despite its plasma half-life of only half an hour, I had no hesitation in giving one 600 mg dose per day. The Se would scavenge any Hg stirred up by the ALA, and the general view of sports medics is that, whilst ALA disappears from the plasma after three hours, that's because it's tucked itself away in the cells (including brain), its further wonders to perform. I dropped the idea of NAC and MSM fairly early on for reasons known to many. My idea was to return the body to a toxic state much cleaner than when the middle P, precipitation occurred. With the hope that this would give the body a chance to click back to the the healthy side of the bistability again.
And so to the new villain of the plot. Lectins. Nasty poisons. Very nasty, the worst of which are found in 'healthy' whole grains, would you believe? There's only one thread on them on this forum, archived. I'll say no more. Google them.
It was a low lectin diet that Curly embarked upon in the new year, not coincidence I feel. Oh and she thinks she's in ketosis (not tested yet) which means that her GNG metabolism has also turned on, perhaps for the first time ever.
Someone please tell me, am I dreaming?
Very best wishes to all you lovely people,