Have u seen sleep improvements when your protocol is followed, i have read where b12 helps with sleep but i havent found this but then i havent used folates with it either.
***That can go either way. Some people find that taking the phos. serine complex at bedtime helps, presumably because it lowers cortisol, which is supposed to be low at night and disturbs sleep if it is high. The other issue is excitotoxity, which can occur (or get worse than it already was) on methylation treatments, and that causes insomnia as well as anxiety, a "wired" feeling, and other fun things.
I know Rich is being somewhat facetious in his use of the word "fun" there...and knows that some of us have had extreme reactions to the methylation supplements. But just in case you're not aware of them Heapsreal, I just want to warn you, as Rich often does, to go VERY slowly, and start with very tiny doses, maybe increasing them even one at a time every 2 weeks or so, to prevent a negative reaction.
My doctor overprescribed the folates in October and as a result, I had such severe anxiety and cramping and agitation that I thought I was going to die. I became suicidal on at least 5 occasions. I didn't want to die, but just felt like it was inevitable.
The consensus seems to be that the folates (in too high amounts) caused stored mercury (and possibly arsenic) to be 'dumped' too quickly, causing the severe reaction. Also, it looks like I have problems with the transulfuration pathway (or what I think some call 'sulfation' -- Rich, correct me if these two are different???), which causes even increased problems.
So anyway, please go very slowly and start with very small amounts.
I believe cfs does damage to our nervous system in some way and i know our body uses b12(and folates) for nerve regeneration etc, does this happen through the raising of glutathione or by another means.
***I'm not sure what the whole story is there. I do think that raising glutathione is part of it, because it should reduce oxidative stress and thus allow the mitochondria to work better. The additional ATP production should help the nervous system a lot. Fixing methyation should also help to repair the myelin. There are at least three substances in myelin that require methylation for their synthesis. Methyation is also needed for the function of the dopamine D4 receptors, which are involved in attention, according to the work of Dick Deth's group.
I think now that i have my viral load down that any ongoing damage being done to my nervous system is greatly reduced and now at a stage where it is able to regenerate and recover.
***That sounds very good. Hopefully the timing is right for methylation treatment in your case.
I hope so too! Many people as Rich has said have done very well with the methylation supps, and in fact Kurt is doing well with his own slightly altered version -- even with amalgam fillings in his mouth. His case is truly confounding, but perhaps he doesn't have the sulfation problems, because he's able to take high doses of b6, which inhibits the PST enzyme (I think!)...
Anyway, good luck Heaps! But be careful...