And this is so important as, before this, a patient who had the virus would just turn up at a doctor's office or ER, potentially infecting medical staff and other patients.
So then- on Sat and Sunday you have no access to your doctor. Mine might return a phone call in an emergency. But obviously, if corona hits, alot of folks may all be calling.
Those of us with chronic illness or higher vulnerability should- be able to have medicine ON THE SHELF.
And I went to the ER with my flu and nobody- diagnoses anything. They never determined what I had. (maybe in theory- but I could not produce enough urine when they asked. So I received no diagnosis.) (I left with a urine jar, like I could have, myself, gone home and somehow- turned it into a lab. But I'm sick and not touring labs.)
My PCP....the office manager who deals with appointments keeps contagious folks- Out In the Parking Lot. Wipes down surfaces, keeps them in a separate room/ which I greatly appreciate.