The British Department of Health term CFS/ME as ''persistent fatigue''.
The American CDC term CFS as ''profound fatigue''.
Thus if you have 'severe ME' according to this non scientific description, then you do not have a neuroimmune disease, but a disorder based on tiredness only.
Fatigue, is a normal every day sensation that we all feel. Basing a potentially fatal disease (ME) on chronic fatigue, is absurd and will be dismissed as psychogenic by the majority in medical practice. This happened and still happens today. Some CFS charities are also to blame, as select charities continue to support claims of effectiveness for therapies proven to be of no help at all (PACE trial), because ''their members say so''. Accuracy in this statement of CBT etc being 'effective' is of course depending on what you class a 'member' as.
Persistant Fatigue is experienced by those with mental health disorders, some of which may have a moderate to significant help with behavioral interventions (CBT) and medications (Ritalin etc) to treat mal adaptive or reactive behaviors associated to fatigue.
These interventions, unfortunately, do not work for people with chronic complex multi system disease such as ME, Parkinson's, MS etc. This is why biomedical ME and CFS charities do not support the BS theory of 'experts' who deny those with disease based CFS and ME a right to life.
The British joining the CDC's 'CFS' to Ramsay's 'ME' is precisely how you design out pathology and design in doubt and suspicion a patient with a novel neuroimmune disease is as ill as they claim.
Through the terms ME and CFS being placed under the auspices of those who disbelieve underlying untreated pathology we have seen, and still see patients lives being stolen in-front of our very eyes. If this is upsetting for partners, loved ones and carers to witness, imagine how this must feel as a patient? A patient, is first and foremost. A person.
Without diagnostic biomarkers, to have 'severe ME', reveals nothing to medical science when claims are made for effectiveness of treatments, or even groups of people 'represented' by charities.
Without a screening test and a diagnosis of exclusion (Fukuda CFS), even groups of 'severe ME' sufferers, aren't going to be ME sufferers, but a mixture. This is very dangerous for the patients, because what harms some may help others.
A mixture of different people, with different causes to their symptoms are not a unified group of people, but they can be controlled and manipulated by a draconian set of rules and people with power and influence. This is achieved by labeling people with ME, CFS or CFS/ME, ME/CFS and telling them what to do, what to think, how to behave.
It is also achieved by charities representing them, to health bodies who seek advice from charities to ask what to do next.
If people are classed as 'severe', when no test is needed, then charities need to be most careful about those left behind when using the media and government agencies, especially when those left behind have ME.
People with ME may well discover in the not too distant future they are chronically immune suppressed, infected, and inflamed at a cellular level.
From 2015-2020 it is expected novel pathogens will be made public from ongoing researching into people with ME and CFS.
Patients will get tested, and will want answers. Most importantly, patients will look back in history and ask. How did this happen to us for decades? Who represented me accurately and fairly and who represented me unfairly and in some cases, recklessly?
It's not hard to see who in society includes severe ME and CFS sufferers, and who doesn't.
The very fact patients (people) have to resort to using online forums and social media as they have no voice, and no legal powers to protect themselves from the medical profession abusing them (disease denial leads to neglect) speaks volumes of the dire situation they are in.
If we had charities who could admit this, and speak out that patients are committing suicide or self harming from a complete lack of social and medical care, then we might start being taken seriously.
Patients with severe ME and CFS can be helped enormously by charities supporting the patients agenda, not the charities own. As an example, this is why InvestinME in the UK is now the premier (and only) charity who undertakes conferences representing those with organic ME and CFS and don't compromise by inviting people who offer the BPS model, as naturally this is madness to do so.
Mainstream ME CFS charities have now fallen by the way side and tow the government line even going so far to suggest 'encephalopathy' is a more accurate term. This is counterproductive, especially now we know patients
do have neuroinflammation, systemic inflammation (oxidative stress), and defective immunity that allows co-infections to flourish worsening the disease state. No brain would shrug that off, and so nerve cells would be affected. As research now shows.
CBT and GE and Pacing was fine for those with no disease, when no science was needed. (Fukuda CFS in the 1980's). Once you progress, then science begins, and the disease appears out of the magic hat where it was firmly stuffed to the bottom.
Progress is made, by including those with the disease process and speaking for them. Saying the word 'severe' doesn't speak for them. Exposing the abuses they undergo because of psychiatry does that. Yet this doesn't happen.
The only UK charity who even begin to openly speak up about psychiatry, are the 25% group, and that is because their patient base includes the deceased and people tube fed.
We need more charities to speak up, and more outwards (not inner) voices. More protest and more exposing doctors and therapists who abuse their patients in the name of their religion (BPS theory of ME CFS rejecting legitimacy of suffering in those with neuroimmune disease).