Hey Mr.Kite,
Amy (healthcarehacks I assume is the blog you're referring to) did take antibiotics before she went to India. Also, many of my close lyme friends actually met Amy before she went to India because she was seeing the most prominent LLMD in CA, the same LLMD that I saw for a good 6 months before I realized antibiotics wouldn't take me anywhere but down. I've also spoken with her several times, and from her symptoms it does seem like she was more of a classic chronic lyme patient than CFS. So no, although I haven't met her in person before/after SC, I have reason to believe that yes she is real.
However, I can't say the same for the second lyme patient that went to India and blogged about feeling regaining her ability to walk, Monica. I met her in person when we were both getting biophoton treatment in Germany. She was still in a wheelchair at the time.
I'm trying to get more feedback from patients seeing Dr. Gordon and his associates. Not that I suspect what David is saying is untrue, but it would just be good to get multiple "definite" statements from GMA to ensure that that is, in fact, his definitive statement.
David--Thanks for the statement from Dr. Tribaldos. I do have to point out that there seem to be some inconsistencies in her statements. I assume it was she that said that they've only been following CFS patients for a year, but the medical director of the clinic said that they did SC on 9 CFS patients even before Cheney sent a single one down there, and Cheney is coming close to the 12-18 month mark. Also, I think if Dr. Tribaldos truly understood CFS via working with Cheney, she would know that lyme has been detected in many CFS patients, especially Cheney patients. Please recall Cheney's public article below:
It may not be that far-fetched to extrapolate that some of the patients that he sent down to Panama did test positive for lyme, but I hope we'll find out when he releases his results (although I highly doubt he'll release all of his data, only the data most relevant to the point he's trying to prove.)
The fact is: we simply don't know whether stem cells can eradicate infections. Although XMRV tested negative for previously pos patients, testing is still in infancy and negative culture does not mean negative infection. Quite possibly, the load was lowered by regaining immunity. I think the wisest course of action is to try to lower infections in some way possible before going to err on the side of caution. I also think it's safe to say most lyme patients HAVE done antibiotics, some very long-term. CFS patients have done antivirals, some antibiotics for lyme and co-infections, and possibly immune modulators. I think all of these are wise courses of action to take both before and after stem cells (although you don't wanna take anything after stem cells that have been clinically shown to reduce your WBC such as ABx and some AVs--immune modulators seem like they'd be a good shot in the arm both pre- and post- stem cells, and antivirals pre-.)