Hey Lisa,
Honestly I've been thinking the same thing. I think a combination of therapies is most likely to help people, especially one that reduces infectious loads and toxic loads prior (such as neural therapy, immune modulators, antivirals, antibiotics etc) prior to stem cells.
Did you mean to say that my current living situation isn't too bad, or my previous living situation (where I got sick) wasn't too bad since my status hasn't changed much with the moves? I know a few patients that moved to Columbus that came from very toxic environments that didn't improve just by moving, but obviously you've been following more people for a longer period of time.
As for how many infusions, yes I've heard of a few Cheney patients that got multiple infusions, but I'm not sure if they are part of his "prospective study" where he's following patients 12-18 months out. Obviously multiple infusions would skew the study results .
I think it absolutely makes sense that the better off you are at baseline, the less infusions you'll ultimately need.
Hi Joey,
I was suggesting it's hard for people to know what their living situation was when they got sick. Some people (like Mike) know that theirs was bad. I never knew that mine was. (Even after I got remediators to come in, they STILL didn't know right away! They had to pull out the walls to realize how bad the problem was.) And some people have outdoor biotoxins as an issue.
But I would think that if you've moved locations a lot, the likelihood that you're currently in a bad place is a lot lower than those people who are still living in the same place, or who moved residences but brought huge amounts of already-contaminated possessions with them.
You're right: just moving doesn't do much for anyone who already has CFS, it seems. Life should be so easy!
(It might keep them from getting worse or allow them to benefit from other treatments though.)
I'm amazed at how much the Valcyte/Famvir helped me, after "extreme" mold avoidance. And the neural therapy has been extremely helpful too.
Obviously CFSers have all kinds of things wrong with them.....viruses, Lyme, various toxins. But we all know that killing bugs is really difficult for us. And detox is just as difficult. (Cheney's recent comment was, "Detox at your peril!")
We're never going to get well if we've got all those bugs and gunk in our bodies. So getting some kind of foothold to allow us to start addressing them (rather than using the foothold as the end-all and be-all) seems right to me.
Mold avoidance has been a good foothold for me, but it's been hard. It would be nice if something like stem cells could do the same thing.
Or maybe stem cells first as a foothold, then address other things, and then stem cells again to finish things off?
I don't think any of us will be able to withstand heavy exposures of toxic mold, ever. No one should be living in a really bad building or in heavy contact with other biotoxins, and that's especially true of us.
But a repaired system should be able to withstand light exposures. At least, that's where I'm getting to myself.
Anyway, it seems to me that if you do this and then, when you return, attend to your environment and continue addressing other core elements in a proactive way, you have a good chance of getting really well.
At least, that would be consistent with my own current beliefs about how to do it.
Best, Lisa