This is simply not true. Dr. Cheney definitely believes XMRV to be at least a major player and possibly causative. He communicates with Dr. Mikovits on an ongoing basis.
I will repost my blog here:
Stem Cells--Curiouser and Curiouser
I'm gonna keep this cut and dry because I'm taking quite the beating from my current treatment. For the last few months I've been sleuthing around trying to dredge up more info on stem cells, and there are several developments that I wanted to share. But let's start out with some public information I already posted before from
Results of stem cell therapy at 7 months in a family of three.
Three family members, mother, son and daughter, all with CFS, were evaluated recently in my clinic. They all became sick in Prague, the Czech Republic, on the mothers sabbatical LOA from her college teaching position after all had a chicken-pox like illness. They are all seven months out from stem cell therapy in Panama. They all have improved significantly following stem cell therapy with the daughter claiming a complete cure after 17 years of illness at the age of 29. She is the second stem cell patient claiming a complete cure and includes an unrelated 23 year old male patient, also 7 months out from stem cells. Both cures took at least 90 days to become manifest with the first thirty days exhibiting significant hypersomnolence and with little energy to do much and typical for all the CFS stem cell patients (N=13).
So far he has accompanied 14 CFIDS patients to Panama, and I believe he has a total of 2 complete cures, 1 non-responder (whom previously had complicating issues), and the remainder with significant improvement. I'm not sure how "significant" was measured, but I'm guessing with his ECHO terrain mapping. Besides Cheney patients, there are 2 other patients I know of, one of whom posted about her experience on the stem cell thread at Cort's Phoenix Rising forum The other is an ex-Peterson patient whom was part of the original Incline Village cohort and is now able to do aerobic exercise.
I have reliable sources telling me that at least 1 of the 2 Cheney patients claiming a complete cure was XMRV positive before treatment with a re-test pending. There is also another patient that was XMRV positive for culture before stem cell transfusion and negative afterwards. It seems that stem cells stop XMRV from replication at least temporarily: the question is whether this will hold. In fact, Cheney believes that stem cells are the best thing for stopping immune abnormalities dead in their tracks that he's ever seen, to the extent that even chronic allergies (in a CFIDS patient) were reversed. As for keeping XMRV from replicating after stem cells, he seems to think artesunate (a NF-Kappa B inhibitor but also inhibitor of herpes viruses and HIV) is sufficient and mentioned a German study that backed this up. At this point, he is not advising any CFIDS patients to take any AIDS drugs, particularly AZT. Although he is very high on the XMRV theory per Mikovits, he says it is much closer to HTLV because it replicates so much slower than HIV.
For confidentiality purposes, I can't detail all the clinical markers that improved after treatment, but they ranged from markers of oversensitivity and inflammation, antioxidant enzymes, bacterial overgrowth, hormones, to tolerance for methylation supplements (using his testing, he showed that CFIDS patients suffer methylb12 and folate-induced backlash).
Despite how promising this sounds, there is still a huge risk factor: cancer being one of them. However, with XMRV positive the cancer risk is already present, so stem cells might make you par for the course. Obviously age is a huge factor here. Cheney isn't sure if stem cells for those 40 and up can lead to complete reversal. Compared with other treatments like neural therapy, stem cells take only 1 week, commonly leading to hypersomnolence for 30 days, and a virtual rebirth afterwards for the best responders. They're expensive, in the range of 15-20K, but those of us that have been sick the longest know that the money we've already spent and the money that we will spend to maintain quality of life without significant earned income makes that figure seem like chump change. Even if we need repeat transfusions every 10 years, the net present value of that figure is less for the rest of my life than what I spent on treatments last year alone.
My biggest worry was, and still is, XMRV reinfection post-transfusion. If there were a nontoxic tried-and-true way of keeping the virus from replicating (or even better, eradicating as peptides such as Peptide T may have potential of doing), I would probably fly to Costa Rica tomorrow. As it stands, all we really have is a leap of faith that the virus won't revive within the next 5 or 10 years.
So far, all of my patient friends that are in their 40s and above are telling me I'd be stupid not to get stem cells this summer with the combination of age and coming up on my 5-yr mark in October. They of all people know, more than how much we have to gain with a therapy like this, how much we have to lose if we let our youth pass by in postexertional malaise and derealization from society. I'd still like to see how the other 12 that have had "significant improvement" respond over the next few months. 2 out of 14 claiming complete cures is 1 more than the number of complete cures Cheney famously claimed to have achieved at a conference pre-dating stem cells, but that's still only a 14% cure rate.
For now, to prepare for the possibility:
1) I'm trying to get a phone appointment with GMA or Dr. Larry Sharp in Fort Worth Texas (as far as I know these are the only non-Cheney practitioners using his CSF's) so I can start taking Cheney's cell-signaling factors (derived from bison peptides).
2) I'm continuing to correct corrupted gut ecology with VLS #3, d-lactate free Custom Probiotics, high enzymes+betaine HCL, sanpharma suppositories (Mucor, Candida, Firmus, Quentan tested best for me).
3) I will also test for artesunate (Dr. Cheney uses a form of artesunate called hepasunate, made by a company called hepalin).
Cheney doesn't advise anyone get stem cells prior to knocking down all three.