not sure if you read dr jones' blog at treatingxmrv.blogspot.com, but she said raltegravir was the one out of the three that caused the most adverse (but also potentially positive, as she is now reporting) reaction, although she thinks this is possibly due to all the unintegrated viral DNA. For some reason it caused the highest inflammatory response. She thinks it's because it's such a potent inhibitor of XMRV integrase, but who really knows at this point. She did say those that tried raltegravir alone have had the worst response.
I know energetic testing does that resonate with many people, but personally I would not take a drug unless I tested well for it. Out of the threes I tested well for azt and tenofovir, in that order, whereas raltegravir collapsed me. This muscle testng was done before I ever heard from dr jones about her experience with the drugs. Eventually I decided to put off the azt for now and seek another option that I can't post about publically yet (but it has been mentioned as a potential therapy at some XMRV conferences). I just hope you use all the accumulated knowledge at your disposal before doing this. What are common side effects for AIDS patients may not occur for CFS patients and vice versa. Talk with dr jones if you haven't already. If you're willing to take a leap of faith, get some type of autonomic response testing (ART testing, muscle testing, biomeridian testing, other electrodermal testing) to see what type of overall effect the drug has on your body.