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Start Low and Go Slow - How to Be Safe On A Methylation Protocol


Senior Member
Thanks Caledonia! This document is really helpful to me as I'm just starting out with Dr Sarah Myhill's Methylation protocol. You talk about how to fix overmethylation but how do you know if you are overmethylating? What kind of symptoms would you get?
It's one of those things, you will feel so bad, that you will know. My symptoms were a horrible revved up anxious/toxic type feeling. Other people have reported needing to go to the emergency room or even feeling suicidal.
It's one of those things, you will feel so bad, that you will know. My symptoms were a horrible revved up anxious/toxic type feeling. Other people have reported needing to go to the emergency room or even feeling suicidal.
I suppose this would be after a period of methylating well and feeling good with it and that would be another clue that you'd gone too far?
Yes, there can be a honeymoon period where you feel ok, then things can take a turn for the worse.

I've been on the lowest rung of my methylation protocol for nearly six months - just one P5P and one Phosphatidyl Serine together with my usual multivits and minerals. I'm still getting die-off and don't know when would be the right time to try adding in a B12 or Folate. I can't be overmethylating at this "low" dose, can I? If so, how do I reduce the lowest rung?

Also, I’ve seen @Pyrrhus give a clear indication that after the B vitamins are well tolerated, the next step should be to add in small amounts of Methyl folate before adding in B12, yet in another place (sorry brain fog I can’t find the thread!) I’ve seen people recommend starting B12 before Methyl folate. What is the consensus? And given I’m already taking small amounts of these in my multivit, does that make any difference to what I should do next?

The protocol I am following: https://www.drmyhill.co.uk/wiki/CFS_-_The_Methylation_Cycle
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I've been on the lowest rung of my methylation protocol for nearly six months - just one P5P and one Phosphatidyl Serine together with my usual multivits and minerals.

So this week, on Monday I took the plunge and added in one dose of 400 mcg Methylfolate and was surprised how good I felt, particularly as I had done a lot on Sunday. I continued to feel pretty strong and good and calm, sleeping well with no obvious die-off symptoms on Tuesday and Wednesday with no further dosing.

So today (Thursday) I thought it a safe bet to try another 400 mcg Methylfolate (so to be clear, none since that first dose on Monday) but I've felt worse - much more tired and sore. Have I taken too much? How long to leave it til the next single dose of MF? What would be my next step?

Any suggestions and thoughts gratefully received :)