Staph vaccine to treat CFS??


wiggle jiggle
there was never a reason given, why this vacc would not comply with "EU regulations"?

also, repeated shots every 3 weeks were needed.

depending on what is in the vaccine, it might be well the time, when the immune systeme "recovers" - after being downed by the vaccination shot...

i have never tried it really, but it seems plausible, that immunosuppressants make you feel very well.
(until the 'inflammation-bill' is sent, sooner or later)

it sounds fishy, if you need every 3 weeks some "immunomodulation"?


wiggle jiggle
what i would be after with the IGG-shot, is the binding of exotoxins.
perhaps it would do that?

the vaccination was called Staphypan (Berna)
containing Staphylococcus Aureus Cell Lysate
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I am currently trying to arrange for an assistant in Moscow to buy the vaccine in a Moscow pharmacy, package it up, and then send it to me by DHL courier. Will provide updates on my progress.
First post, been following for awhile. About to get on a flight but wanted to share that I think I may have found another manufacturer. I could be wrong. I think because this is my first post that I won't be able to add the link so give it a quick google. Its called Estafiloide. I have some connections in Brazil if that is where they manufacturer it and I'm sure I can find it. What do you think? Is this the real deal? Thanks @Hip!

Edit 1: Found the manufacturer. They are called IQB. They have a number but I don't speak Portuguese. Their official website doesn't list Estafiloide on it but a different website listed it as one of their products. I'm hoping that they did not discontinue it. Here is their info:
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Senior Member
Its called Estafiloide.

Thanks for posting that. Looks like the product you found is this one, which is described in Portuguese as toxóide estafilocócico (Staphylococcus toxoid). This is indeed the right product, but I cannot find it for sale when I search online, and it is unclear who the manufacturer is. It might be a discontinued product. If we can find the manufacturer, we could find out more.
Thanks for posting that. Looks like the product you found is this one, which is described in Portuguese as toxóide estafilocócico (Staphylococcus toxoid). This is indeed the right product, but I cannot find it for sale when I search online, and it is unclear who the manufacturer is. It might be a discontinued product. If we can find the manufacturer, we could find out more.

Found the Manufacturer but their official website doesn't list it. It wouldn't surprise me though if their official website wasn't up to date. The Manufacturer is
Iqb Instituto de Química e Biologia S/A

I also can not find it for sale online but that doesn't surprise me either. This is their phone number: (21) 2625-6767 .........they might speak English?


Senior Member
I don't think they are the actual manufacturer, as here they are described as distributors of medicines.
Maybe @Gondwanaland could help you. She did a lot of research for me when I thought I had found that the original Staphypan from Berna was sold in Brazil (it was not).
Good call. I have someone that speaks Portuguese and that can possibly call tomorrow or the next day to see if they have it, distribute it, or know where to get it.


Senior Member
I think the manufacturer may possibly be Laboratorio IQB (who are now called Rodriguez y Vidal S.R.L.) in Argentina. But no sign of the vaccine on their website.
I think the manufacturer may possibly be Laboratorio IQB (who are now called Rodriguez y Vidal S.R.L.) in Argentina. But no sign of the vaccine on their website.
Hmm...where did you find that they may be connected? Was that listed somewhere? I speak Spanish and could give them a ring. Just wondering where they are referenced.
Here for example. Plus "IQB" is found in the name of the Brazilian distributor company: IQB Instituto de Química e Biologia S/A.
Ok, that makes sense. I might call both companies tomorrow if I can. I also randomly found what looks to be like an official Brazilian study/synopsis on CFS and its treatments and they mention toxóide estafilocócico


Senior Member
That's interesting. That Brazilian study/synopsis refers to Prof Gottfries's clinical trial of the vaccine for ME/CFS and fibromyalgia.

The trouble is that antibiotics have been replacing some of these antibacterial toxoid vaccines since the advent of antibiotics in the 1950s, so this Argentinean vaccine may well be a discontinued product.

The irony is, though, that due to antibiotic overuse, we now have antibiotic-resistant strains of Staphylococcus (MRSA), so researchers are now trying to create Staphylococcus toxoid vaccines once again.


Senior Member


Senior Member
I was told that this vaccine was also used when people had had reactions to mercury before ( I´ve been in contact with people who were treated by the GG clinic as I live in the nearness).

That interesting, @Helen. Any idea whether this Buccaline Berna product was helping some ME/CFS patients? This is the first I have heard of this product, and it being used as a substitute for the Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine.


Senior Member
Any idea whether this Buccaline Berna product was helping some ME/CFS patients? This is the first I have heard of this product, and it being used as a substitute for the Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine.
I assume it may help in the same way as Staphypan injections as this was used as a substitute according to one of the well-informed patients at the clinic. She wasn´t a candidate for Staphypan (with the preservative Timerosal/mercury) as she had reacted badly to mercury before.
Here for example. Plus "IQB" is found in the name of the Brazilian distributor company: IQB Instituto de Química e Biologia S/A.
So I emailed and called IQB in Argentina and I can confirm that they are not the manufacturers of any vaccines or anything to do with Staph Vacs. So that is out. I've emailed and called the Brazilian entity with no reply. @Helen and @Gondwanaland I tried calling about 5 different "Drug Stores" which is where they would sell Estafiloide they all hung up on me after I tried to see if they spoke either Spanish or English. Still trying to find someone who knows Portuguese to give them a call.