@mfairma 's post made me think of another alternative. How about someone out doing something energetic/happy enjoying life/friends no sound just a brief cameo and then the picture turns to black and white (after a vivid colourful scene) and then an image is shown of someone with ME --using the above heading of course
I think that's very good. It could get across the idea that all sorts of people are happily going about their lives and then, bam, they aren't. If not video of the person before ME, then a flick through of colourful photos showing a full life, lived well - then the black and white image of after ME. I think it would work best with a jaunty tune playing while the colourful active images are shown and then complete quiet for the black and white image and then the message in simple black and white.
It could work in print too - two contrasting images side by side, the before and the after, the colour and the monochrome.
@mfairma's millions missing montage with the Nina Simone song is great.
I agree with
@JaimeS, for a mainstream, introductory campaign, it is best to leave out any discussion of rabid psychologists and put as much distance as we can between us and ideas of a psychogenic illness.