Excellent work and it just shows that if something like this can be cobbled together at home then there is no excuse.
That's really why I tried to do my own. I'm not a particularly creative person, but what I made is, at least to me, better than the Solve ad. If Solve is going to display an ad, I think it should be possible to find someone who can do something truly great for limited costs, particularly given how short the ad is and given that it lacks sound.
Further, one of the things that MEAction and Millions Missing have done particularly well, in my opinion, is thinking through branding. It seems like if this is the first foray into doing this sort of ad, then it would be a good time to try to establish a certain brand. The "Does that sound like fatigue to you?" tag is one way you could establish continuity across different publicity efforts, but there are of course other and surely better ways.
@JaimeS's tag about sick patients and exercise, for example. My approach may be more aggressive than what Solve might want to do, but people are more likely to notice and remember mine, where their ad is more milquetoast.
I made four others, with which I have varying degrees of satisfaction. They are longer, 3 at 30 seconds and 1 at 1 minute, and considerably rougher, particularly because iMovie doesn't handle sound very well and the timing on the descriptions is generally a bit too quick. The main point, I think, is that, in the absence of a photogenic disease, sound and music and description can be used to have contrasting and amplifying effects on the emotions of the appeal. Additionally, that the traditional sort of advocacy ad you see on TV wouldn't suit us well, that what I was trying to do in the ads is an alternative path. These aren't good, but to me they show what could be done by someone that knows what they're doing.
The first one uses a picture of Whitney and the Bobby Mcferrin song Don't Worry By Happy. Licensing, of course, may be prohibitive for an actual ad.:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28709970/Don't Worry.mp4
The second one focuses on Karina and uses a video I found on youtube of an IV line dripping and the Mississippi John Hurt cover of You Are My Sunshine. I don't think I got the right section of the song -- it's a bit too upbeat in sections -- but I chose this version because I never realized how plaintive and tragic that song is until I heard his version:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28709970/You are My Sunshine.mp4
The third one uses the same IV pole dripping, but I liked the original background noise because it could be used to demonstrate what the noise sensitivity is like, as a subtle addition, and convey the emotions of waiting:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28709970/Can you Wait.mp4
The last one I really only made because I love the song and think it is perfect for this disease. The song is Nina Simone's version of I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to be Free, a civil rights anthem with lyrics that are incredibly appropriate to being sick with this disease. Its just a beautiful song, if you've never heard it. I set it to some description and pictures of the shoe protest. I hope thats not too presumptuous, because, obviously, I had nothing to do with it:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28709970/I Wish.mp4
The full song is here:
P.S. If you liked that Mitchell and Webb skit and you don't like homeopathy, you may like their skit on it: