I am wondering if more socks have arrived. I finished my sock last night. It was a bit of an experiment, and I hit some unexpected snags. If there is no real rush, I may wait and make one for another person in the next few days and mail them at the same time. I will certainly take a different approach and should be able to do the next one in an hour or two.
No rush! We don't have our first public display date set up yet. Last count I heard from talkingfox was that fourteen socks had come in so far, but there's lots of people out there still working on them, or (like me) still in the planning stages. I need someplace to set up my sewing machine: going to have to hire some muscle to move its heavy table out of the garage and into the house. So anyhow, yeah, I'd say take your time and send them together.
I printed out the Sock it To ME homepage and gave it to my primary care doc yesterday. She loved it and is going to show it to her other CFS patients. I'm going to get some buttons and give one to her. I bet she would wear it. She also liked the letter from Dr. Bell. I wish every doctor was as nice and smart as she is.
If there was a brochure or poster I could print out, I think she would post it on one of the office bulletin boards.
I like the idea of an awareness project like this. Sock it to me, indeed!
Anyone remember the quipu project (knotted ribbons, one knot for each year of illness) that was done years ago? I found an old web site with a few photos here (scroll down to see photos):
My only comment to those organizing this socks awareness project is to try to find folks who can do this from year to year (some healthy folks who have an interest in ME/CFS awareness, eg., friends and relatives of ME/CFS patients, is always a helpful thing!) so that it is not a "one year and then forgotten" type of project. The great thing about the AIDS quilt is that it kept growing and growing.
Many hugs to all who are doing this project! I hope to contribute a sock of my own one of these days. I'm not sure whether I could help with any of the other organizing work but I'll try to keep it in mind if/when I'm feeling up to doing a little bit more.
Thank you and putting messages on other ME/CFS boards
Thanks, Creekfeet, I will take my time.
I put a brief notice on the O.F.F.E.R. Utah support board about the project. I may also have posted it at Pro-Health, but I will have to check. I don't believe I have seen it mentioned on The CFIDS Association Facebook page, but it might be a good idea to publicize it there, too.
I finally finished my socks (one for me and one for a relative) and mailed them yesterday. It took a long time as I had to wait for days when I had energy to work on them. But they are done and I have a great sense of accomplishment in having completed them.
I still haven't made my own socks but no worries, it is an Ongoing Project.
I want everyone to know my heart is still in our socks. I'm just not very well since that dratted cyst ruptured: it seems to have taken a lot of wind out of my sails. So I'm taking it slow, but nothing's stopping me completely.
Hoping we'll get enough socks this summer to line up some displays in the autumn! Oh yeah, for those of you in the southern hemisphere, I hope we'll get enough socks this winter to line up displays in the spring! Or maybe I should stick to the calendar (same one for us all I hope?) and say I hope we get enough socks in July and August so we can line up some displays in September and October. There!
Think/write/make sense, so difficult! I'm going to go rest now. XP
The socks are still coming in! We have I think over 25 now. If that seems few don't worry: we know it'll take time for us sickies to make sockies. I'm still in the planning stages on mine and my kids'!
just thought I'd comment here since it seems that this thread has slowed down a lot ......maybe bumping it up again will renew interest
anyway, I got started on my sock fairly quickly, ran into some problems, got some great suggestions for how to deal with them, and then went into a prolonged massive crash......so mine is still far from being done, but is also something I look forward to eventually being able to work on again
anyway I still think this is a wonderful idea & I hope that in the long run we wind up with a ton of people sending in socks
It will be really fun to see a picture of the socks once there are enough for a display.
I tried to do the easiest thing possible with the socks I made, but still it was quite a bit of work. I have been thinking that Christmas socks will soon be available. A large Christmas sock in a non-traditional color could be personalized with paint, iron-on's or whatever is easy. The prepared sock would save a few steps.
Update! Efforts are underway to send the socks to the WHO meeting in Geneva in March, and then on to the MECFSAC spring meeting. So please make your sock and send it in as soon as you can, so your sock can make the trip.
Healthy helpers? Sock It 2 ME may die for lack of energy
I received the following message from the leaders of Sock It 2 ME:
Friends of Sock It 2 ME: The project needs new leadership: someone with more energy than we sick folks have. Are you, or do you know, a social activist type, crafty person, with energy and enthusiasm to take this on? Then please check out the link, and please pass it along to your friends...
Are the Sock-It-To-ME socks that were made still available? If so, could they be used in some way at the CFSAC meeting in June? If they are still available with no future use in mind, I would be interested in having them to do a presentation next year on May 12th. I have also wondered if they could be incorporated into a video. I loved the S-I-T-M idea!Thanks.