Sock It To ME


Eastern High Sierra
Okay, I'm keeping my socks on track but pacing gently so as not to wear them out!

Just heard that the website got over 675 hits in a month. That's without the release going out to major news organizations: only to a handful of ME/CFS insider organizations---plus, most of those haven't even posted the link yet. So when other sites get around to linking and I get around to sending more releases out, these socks are going to fly. Wow.


Senior Member
Olympia, wa
My favorite sock shop:

Thanks to everyone helping with this project!!!!
I am sending socks for all my friends.

Where will they be launched May 12th?

The project is officially launching on May 12th :) Displays of socks will happen when we have enough sent to make a few garlands and will depend on bodies to help and availability of demonstration space and whatnot.

All socks that are sent in will also be on view in a searchable database via the website, So far the database isn't up, mostly because the socks haven't started coming in yet.

First things first though! Socks from peoples :Retro smile:


Eastern High Sierra
I'll be back on the job soon as I can. I haven't been at all right since my ovary went splody, and now my poor kid has a dental emergency, so we'll be quite a pair, hobbling off to town. Please make supplications to Hermes on our behalf, and I'll hope to be back in my socks and running, soon.


Senior Member
Tried knitting a tiny sock but even with my smallest needles and wools they are too big so will have to wait to get smaller ones.


Senior Member
On Good Morning America today, people from the Arthritis Foundation were standing in the front row as Sam Champion talked with the onlookers. They were holding two posters about arthritis and it was mentioned that May is Arthritis Awareness Month. Sam Champion allowed them to mention the URL for the Arthritis Foundation. The whole thing was very, very brief, but effective. I got the sense that it was definitely prearranged. So, if anyone is planning to go to Times Square to try and hit the morning shows, it might be a good idea to call the show(s) in advance to see if they are receptive to giving ME/CFS a couple of seconds. I believe the website for the Arthritis Foundation also said they will be trying to get a brief mention on the Today Show tomorrow.


Eastern High Sierra
Progress Report and Cry for Help

I'm thrilled about the way the project is taking off.

But I'm pushing hard: pushing the dialup connection and pushing my health. I'm going to need more help.

Here's what I've done so far...

I wrote a pre-release and cover email and sent it to about 20 ME/CFS insiders: researchers, clinicians, journalists and patient organizations.

I wrote a full release and sent it with cover email and a 500-page article to an expanded list of about 30 ME/CFS insiders.

I sent the release with a personal cover email and the 500-word accompanying article to the health editors at the Associated Press, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, National Public Radio, Good Morning America, Oprah Winfrey Show, Democracy Now and 5 journalists with whom I'm acquainted.

I sent the same release and article to 20 additional journalists from a list given to me by a forum member.

I created a powerpoint slide and sent it to Dr. Klimas because one of our forum members said that Dr Nancy offered to include one in her upcoming talk... but I haven't heard back from her about this.

My daughter started the Facebook page for the project and I invited people to it, and it now has about 170 members. I've been posting updates there from time to time, as has talkingfox.

Talkingfox and I wrote copy for the www.sockit2MEcfs website.

And of course I blogged about the project here at Phoenix Rising.

Talkingfox has been working like crazy on this, too, doing the physical, textile stuff and a ton of website work.

So... what next?

We've had some great suggestions for more publicity and sponsorship possibilities so I plan next to write a letter offering corporations the opportunity to sponsor the project so we can afford the cost of printed materials, the web hosting and display materials, sock and pin textiles, display permits and whatever else arises. I could really use some more help on the publicity front, with getting actual contact names and addresses and doing the mailing or emailing. We could get the word out farther, faster, with more of us doing that part. Right now I'm a bottleneck. A crashing bottleneck! And I'm sure talkingfox could use some help with making sock blanks and wee sockie lapel pins.

It would also be fabulous if anybody wants to step forward to start a branch of the project outside of the US. It could grow really unwieldy receiving and displaying socks from all over the world. So how about it---start a branch in your country, if you're not in the US! We'll give you logos, banner graphics, web code, and lots of support and encouragement getting started.

Oh, and I'm very slow getting snailmail out and I've researched all the email addresses I can handle so if someone has a valid email address for any of the following it would be a great help:
Dr. Bell (website email generates discouraging auto-response)
Dr. Peterson
Hillary Johnson (other than website email)
Fibromyalgia Network
Assorted Health, Art and Craft Magazines (include an editor's name, please)

And of course, send in your socks! Get on over to for the details.

That's all the news and pleas I can think of at the moment but I'll keep you all posted... later.

Resting now,


Eastern High Sierra
Thanks, Tina, that will be wonderful if you can. Maybe there's not much more to be done before then anyhow? We've got it out to the community and some big media outlets, and we can line up more media and sponsors later---probably more easily once we have a garland of socks or two to show for our efforts. And when we have a garland or two of socks, we can start talking DISPLAY! Whee!


Eastern High Sierra
L a u n c h t i m e !

May 12 is upon us, and we're up and receiving socks. :victory:

talkingfox on May 7 in the old thread... said:
We got our first batches of socks in today ...Hurray!

Just a quick reminder to those contemplating how to do their socks: PLEASE read the size requirements thoroughly and also remember that these will be packed, unpacked and outdoors.
Also, please completely fill out the submission form. All info will be confidential unless you specify otherwise.

If the parameters set on the website aren't met we can't add your sock to the garlands....add to the database, yes. Garlands, no.


Plays With Voodoo Dollies
Possible Sponsor for Sock Project and Design Contest

Just bought a pair of socks from this brand and after checking their website think they
are a really good candidate as a sponsor for our project. Also they have a sock design
contest where we could win prize money for our sock project if anyone is computer
savvy enough to design a cool sock pattern that they might use.


Eastern High Sierra
:3 Gotcher: added to list.

Way burnt out still, but aching to get back to it as soon as possible. Brain just will not respond with anything but pain. anywho, keep it going so it'll be here when I get back? <3