Smile if you have air hunger, POTS or a similar issue!


Senior Member
(I wasn't smiling yesterday when we realized after two weeks that our veterinarian clinic mistakenly filled our dog's amoxicillin prescription as 100mg instead of 500mg.) :(
Oh nooooooo! Aargh! :aghhh:

Some important non-med things to consider, if you haven't already addressed them: If your pup has long hair by her vulva, don't forget to cut the hair back to "git some air in thar." And, if she is overweight, put her on a good diet to eliminate any skin folds by her vulva (or her urinary track infections will come right back). Urinary track diets (like Hill's CD) are really important, but that said, they tend to be high-calorie so you shouldn't feed a lot in volume. (Considering their cost, having each bag last longer is a good thing anyway. :lol:)


Senior Member
Smile for the camera seems very hard to me. It feels forced. But we keep at it.
I heard something interesting on NPR today, on a program that discussed economic and political optimism in the face of strife. The speaker suggested putting a pencil in your mouth (really, he did, but read on...), way back to the level of your molars. Then he suggested biting it to trigger certain muscles that "give you the experience of happiness" (the ones that give your eyes laugh lines and the ones next to your TMJ).

Myself, I don't know why he didn't just say "find something to smile honestly about!" :lol::lol::lol: So silly...

For anyone having trouble conjuring up a big smile, check out the Joke of the Day thread on PR. Sooooo funny!


Senior Member
Oh nooooooo! Aargh! :aghhh:

Some important non-med things to consider, if you haven't already addressed them: If your pup has long hair by her vulva, don't forget to cut the hair back to "git some air in thar." And, if she is overweight, put her on a good diet to eliminate any skin folds by her vulva (or her urinary track infections will come right back). Urinary track diets (like Hill's CD) are really important, but that said, they tend to be high-calorie so you shouldn't feed a lot in volume. (Considering their cost, having each bag last longer is a good thing anyway. :lol:)

Thanks very much, Dr. Lynne! She's now on her proper 500mg 2x per day.
She's still dribbling out pee but maybe there is a little progress. Hard to tell. They want her on the amoxicillin at the right dose for 4 weeks. It's been only nearing on 2 weeks.

Good idea bout cutting back hair. We've been thinking about doing that on the hair around her back side as when she does dribble it gets all over her and the poor dog lays in it and stinks. She's an Australian Shepherd so kind of medium length hair but a lot on that back area.


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Senior Member
She's still dribbling out pee but maybe there is a little progress. Hard to tell. They want her on the amoxicillin at the right dose for 4 weeks. It's been only nearing on 2 weeks.
@Booble - Make sure they're ruling out bladder stones, depending upon her diet. Some cheap dog brands - like Beneful (yuck!) - tend to promote stones, IME.

:):):) (to keep on topic - grin!)