Sleep Poll

Does lack of sleep improve your symptoms?

  • I am female and lack of sleep improves my symptoms.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am male and lack of sleep improves my symptoms.

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • I am female and lack of sleep makes no difference

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • I am male and lack of sleep makes no difference.

    Votes: 5 38.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Senior Member
South east England
I will leave the definition of lack of sleep up to you. If you do improve with lack of sleep a brief description of what improves will be interesting. It does'nt matter if you are/are'nt taking anything to get to sleep. Thank you and goodnight. :sleep:


Senior Member
I think that less sleep might occasionally make me feel slightly better, but it's not a huge difference. Too much sleep is more likely to make me feel a bit worse, but again, just a minor effect, and hard to distinguish from other factors.

I do want to point out that correlation could mean that whatever makes your symptoms better or worse also makes you sleep longer/shorter the night before. We'd need someone who has a strong correlation who can intentionally influence their sleep duration to figure out which is cause and which is effect.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
whatever makes your symptoms better or worse also makes you sleep longer/shorter the night before.

When I"m going downhill (that the case at the moment) I will then sleep even longer. But if my IBS-d symptoms worsen which can happen when the energy is running low- then thats disrupting my sleep.

I always seem to get some particular type of head ache- if I don't get my ten hours of whatever that unrefreshing stuff is.


Senior Member
South east England
I do want to point out that correlation could mean that whatever makes your symptoms better or worse also makes you sleep longer/shorter the night before
I'm just looking for basic information in this poll to see if it corresponds to something I found by accident recently. Wont say what that is yet as I dont want to influence the poll result.


Senior Member
I can't give a correct answer to this one,
because...if I have lack of sleep one night, I might feel better the next day, as I have seen others comment on other threads.
But to me, that seemes to be simply the "happy wired feeling" I usually gets when I overdo things. So the "punishment " will come later.

But I've seen people react both ways, so it's an interesting poll
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Senior Member
Treeman brings up another complicating factor: quality of sleep. Five hours of high-quality sleep might be better for some than ten hours of low-quality sleep. I haven't noticed a correlation between quality of sleep and my ME symptoms. I might typically wake up four or five times during the night, falling asleep again reasonably quickly. Nights when I wake up fewer times or more times don't seem to make a difference. Neither does time of going to bed. Getting our of bed later than normal might give me a headache, but I don't think it affects my ME significantly.


Forum Support Assistant
I usually feel better with less sleep if it's decent quality but the lack of sleep catches up after a few days and then I feel worse and need more sleep.

Feeling better with less sleep is a periodic discussion on PR.


Senior Member
Back again. I tried to take the poll, but the answers were immediately removed. Don't know if that has happened to others, but thought you should know.
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Senior Member
I’m not quite certain how to answer this poll, because I am female and a lack of sleep definitely makes it much worse, but also getting a ton of sleep doesn’t improve it at all. I kind of have a spot where I just kind of plateau I guess and that’s basically my best, which is still not good, but that’s where I end up if I sleep a ton. If I get lack of sleep, the plateau becomes a steep decline cliff.


Senior Member
Until I started tracking my heart rate variability I didn't realize how much a bad nights sleep ended up affecting me the next day but now I understand that my flares can be caused by too many nights of bad sleep.

I didn't vote since lack of sleep making things much worse wasn't an option.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
lack of sleep makes my symptoms way worse and the worse my symptoms are the harder it is to get good sleep
The poorer the sleep the worse my symptoms are
I think you need to add a tick box for 'I am a female/male and lack of sleep makes me worse' ....
I am male and lack of sleep makes my symptoms worse. Also it leads to over exertion since I'm up for longer.
I’m not quite certain how to answer this poll, because I am female and a lack of sleep definitely makes it much worse,
I didn't vote since lack of sleep making things much worse wasn't an option.
I think it's pretty clear that you really would profit from the addition of an option for LACK OF SLEEP MAKES ME WORSE .... here are 6 votes that couldn't be entered because your poll left out a crucial 3rd option, which means whatever information you derive from it will be incomplete, and therefore probably inaccurate.