Things continue to improve. These are the goings on.
1. Ferritin levels: These are up at 220 ng/ml on latest blood work (should be around 60ng/ml optimally and less than 100ng/ml. Surplus of Iron contributes to oxidization and can support pathogenic growth, so it's important to keep this down. This can be done by:
A) Donating blood: This is the easiest way to lower iron ferritin levels. Going a few times over a couple of months gets most people's levels down. However, we have CFS, so we can't give/ donate blood. You can get a prescription from an understanding doctor in the know to do it for phlebotomy purposes. Not an option in my case in Mexico.
B) IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate) has been shown to lower iron levels safely. I start mine today, and will track progress in bloodwork at least monthly.
C) Lactoferrin: Does not chelate/ reduce body store/ burden, but does help to sequester it from pathogens in favor of your body's process using it.
I'm doing both B and C. IP6 I started today, Lactoferrin I've been on for a couple of months already.
2. Exercise and rehabilitation!
Since i've been PEM free for a while, even with accidental tests of more physical exertion, I felt it was time to try a little gym. I mean a little, I'm taking this step by step carefully.
Last Monday I went to the gym and did some light body weight exercises: plank, squat, lunge. About 5 minutes to test the water - no PEM. I've also run up the stairs in my apartment a couple of times - before CFS this was normal for me, I hated wasting time so used to just run places (not normal i know, but hey...). So I've let myself slide a little back into that behavior. No PEM.
I have had sore muscles (the normal kind after a muscle workout) - as you can imagine, that kinda feels good. Also a slightly sore knee on one leg, I think that's an old injury playing up a bit - perhaps because of the onslaught of inflammation it's been through over the last year. It was completely healed before CFS.
So I'm going to continue with careful introduction of 'weight only' exercises.
3. Heart Rate (HR) and HRV (Heart Rate Variability) Project
Given the research on HRV and CFS, and some of Dave Asprey's mateiral on using HRV to lower stress it's something I've decided to run a project on. I wasn't happy with the Basis watch for HR (which turns out to be extremely inaccurate, and not useful for any HRV interpretation). So I bought a Polar H7 chest strap that is accurate, arrived today.
I'll be using this to track HRV while sleeping and to establish a baseline to follow over time and assess my recovery from CFS as it progresses. It should be a useful biomarker - and will help also to tell me to back off any rehabilitation - if I push it too fast.
I'm also meditating daily immediately before sleep with the Emwave2 HRV tracker, which helps to me to focus on the right state. Finding this is useful to promote time to sleep and length of sleep. More tracking to do before I'm sure about that, one week's subjective feeling and sleep tracking with an accelerometer app are what I base that on.
4. Other Upgrades to improve sleep
I received these today and wear them from sundown to block out blue light, and therefore ensure i'm not inhibiting melatonin via 'blue screens' like computers, ipads and TV:
I also take
500mg of GABA and
400 to 800mg of Magnesium malate immediately before sleep to help get me in the right state of mind (AKA relaxed). Took this from Dave Asprey's blog post on sleep and biochemicals.