Based on @richvank's observations my reduced to oxidized glutathione ratio is lower than seen with most CFS cases - this indicated higher oxidative stress (mine is at 6, CFS typical is 8/9 and normal is 14 or so).
As this aspect stands out more for me I'm going to focus on it for a while. I've been looking into the research on the link between emotional/ general stress and oxidative stress (and measures such as TNF-alpha and IL-6). Also how interventions with yoga, meditation and Casual Video Games can lower the cytokines/ inflammation and oxidative stress. It looks promising.
On the other hand the area of using anti-oxidants to lower oxidative stress is nebulous and the research looks conflicting, even potentially negative. Meaning that taking more antioxidants doesn't seem to help.
I'm going to get a baseline of my TNF-alpha and IL-6 levels, and hope that these could be another set of biomarkers that will be useful in tracking my progress. Potentially more accessible than the Methylation Pathways Panel.
Another area I'm looking into is raising glutathione directly in addition to the SMP of
richvank. Rich commented on it many times that it could be helpful, however Yasko recommends against it if you have a CBS mutation (which I do, although not a very serious one).